On the streaming platform there are the so-called Twitch Drops for many games. Here the spectators receive in-game loot for their participation in the stream and are rewarded.
In the past, Minecraft did not offer this function, because they simply cannot offer it. Streaming Drops now also allows twitch drops for Minecraft streamers.
With the new Streaming Drops plugin, server-specific twitch drops can be set up and viewers will receive the loot directly in Minecraft or, if you're not currently on the server, when they next connect.
All the player has to do is connect his Minecraft account with his Twitch Channel name in Minecraft. And then the drops can be collected from the supported streamers.
The Server Admin determines which drops are available, what the drop chance looks like and which streamers are supported. Players can use a command to see which streamers are currently online where they can collect Twitch Drops.
- HTTPS Port open
In older versions of the plugin, a connection via HTTP is used to check viewers for twitch and to check if the streamer is online. In newer versions of the plugin a HTTPS connection is used for this purpose.
On some servers outgoing messages / requests are blocked. This is expressed by an error message with the command "/online", with an HTTP(S) error code. Please check at this point whether the ports have been released accordingly.
- Stop your server
- Drag and drop the jar file into your "plugins" folder
- Start your server
After starting the server a new folder "StreamingDrops" with all configuration files will be created. From now on all personal settings can be made and the plugin can be used. Do not forget to reload the configuration ("/sd reload") or restart your server.
/sd | /streamingdrops
- /sd => Main Command
- /sd info => Shows some plugin information
- /sd help => Help Menu
- /sd streamer [add | remove | list] => Streamer menu
- /sd reload => reloads configurations
- /sd reload <force> => reloads configuration with resetting interval
- /sd dropsadd [command] => Add a new drop
- /sd twitch [minecraft name] => Shows the twitch channel of other players
- /sd twitch [minecraft name] <twitch channel> => Sets the new twitch channel for other players
- /drops => Shows general message
- /drops info => Shows total of amounts
- /drops time(r) => Shows the remaining time until the next drop
- /drops give => Send drops only to the viewers of the streamer that has executed this command (outside the normal drops)
- /twitch => Shows your connected Twitch Channel
- /twitch [name] => Connects your Minecraft account with your twitch channel
- /online => Show all supported streamers, where you can get drops
How can I connect my Minecraft account to my Twitch Channel?
Connect to the Minecraft server and enter the command "/twitch <twitch channel>".
The command "/twitch" will output the currently linked twitch channel.If the minecraft name and the Twitch Channel are the same, no linking has to be done manually.
Example: "/twitch MorelaidOnAir" - Connects my Minecraft account to the Twitch Channel "MorelaidOnAir
As a player, how can I see which streamer I am currently collecting drops from?
The "/online" command lists all streamers where drops can currently be collected. From the list people can go directly to the stream and take part in it.
- - default: op
Main Permission for all commands
sd.admin.reload - default: op
Command: "/sd reload [force]"
sd.admin.sdpublic - default op
Command: "/sdpublic [message]"
sd.admin.sdprivate - default: op
Command "/sdprivate [player] [message]"
- - default: op
Command: "/sd help"
- - default: op
Command: "/sd info"
sd.admin.give - default: op
Command: "/drops give"
sd.admin.dropsadd - default: op
Command: "/sd dropsadd [drops command]"
sd.admin.streamer.list - default: op
Command "/sd streamer list"
sd.admin.streamer.add - default: op
Command: "/sd streamer add [twitch channel]"
sd.admin.streamer.remove - default: op
Command: "/sd streamer remove [twitch channel]"
- - default: op
- Command: "/sd twitch [minecraft name]"
- sd.admin.twitch.set - default: op
- Command: "/sd twitch [minecraft name] <twitch channel>"
sd.admin.currenttimer - default: op
Command: "/drops time(r)"
sd.user.twitch - default: true
Command: "/twitch [name]"
sd.user.drops - default: true
Command: "/drops"
- - default: true
Command "/drops info"
- - default: true
Command: "/online"
- %player% - player name
- %streamer% - the name of the streamer
- %minutes% - amount of minutes
- %dropamount% - Amount of total drops from a player
Support / Bugs / Suggestion
For requests, comments or emerging errors, I am happy to help. In order to be able to help quickly, I would be pleased if the following information is already filled in during the inquiry:
Server Version
Streaming Drops Version (/sd info)
Log file with the error (via pastebin or something else)
In which activity did this error occur?
Requests can be made in German and English.
If you want to support me, this is not about a donation. I would like to make the plugin available for free and gladly provide the best support.
A review helps me a lot more than a donation, because of the donation only I have something. But if you write a comment, then others have some of it and can make a suitable picture of my plugin.