Structure in a Box

Structure in a Box



This plugin lets you create special items that you can give to the players on your server. When players place these items, they will turn into a structure created in advance. These items are called “Structures-in-a-Box” or just SiBs.

The plugin uses the WorldEdit mechanism of pasting MCEdit schematics into the game. This means that anything copied and saved as a schematic file, can be used as the structure.

For example, you can give the players a chest that turns into a small base when placed, and a different chest, which will turn into a small vault.

Creating SiBs (admins)

To create a new SiB, follow these steps:

  1. Build the structure. If that structure has an “entrance” or front, make sure it is facing east.
  2. Using WorldEdit, select the structure (you may use //wand for that purpose). Make sure not to select the ground beneath the structure.
  3. Get as close as possible to the position where you want the structure to spawn in relation to the placed SiB. Then, type //copy to create the clipboard. At this point, you should normally face to the west.
  4. Type //schematic save MCEdit <schematic id> to save the schematics
  5. Type /sib create <schematic id> to create a SiB item.

It is important that the structure’s front will face the east. That way, the plugin will correctly auto-rotate the structure based on the direction the player is facing when placing the SiB.

Placing SiBs (players)

To spawn the SiB, the players only need to place the SiB item. If there is no space for the structure, they will keep the SiB and the structure will not be pasted into the game.


The SiB items can be added to kits. They are simply chest items (by default) with unique lore. Any kit plugin, which supports specifying lore on items, will consequently support SiBs.


The plugin supports WorldGuard. The structure (any corner of it) cannot be placed in regions where the player cannot build. In addition, the structure will never be placed if there is a solid block in the way.


  • /structureinabox version - Get the plugin's version
  • /structureinabox create <schematic-id> - Create a SiB for a given schematic id
  • /structureinabox help - Display instructions on how to use the plugin (for admins)

You may use the /sib alias.

Players may also use the following command:

  • /sibundo - Pick up the last SiB you placed and get the item back, as long as the session is not expired


  • structureinabox.admin - Allows you to use the Structure-in-a-Box admin command (default: admins only).
  • structureinabox.use - Allows you to place Structure-in-a-Box items (by default everyone).
  • structureinabox.undo - Allows you to undo (pick up) the last SiB (by default everyone).


You may change the following settings in config.yml:

  • box-material - The material used for the SiBs items (CHEST by default).
  • max-sib-size - The maximum size of SiBs (10000 by default).
  • display-name - The SiB item display name.
  • lore-instruction - The instruction line added as lore to the SiB item.
  • lore-identifier - The unique lore identifier used on the SiB item.
  • free-space-check - Check for free space before placing down the structure (default is yes).
  • check-all-solid-blocks - When free-space-check is on and so is this, check against all solid blocks.
  • check-just-specific-blocks - When free-space-check is on, list the blocks to check against.
  • world-guard-check - Check for collision with WorldGuard areas (default is yes).
  • permission-per-sib - If this is set to yes, placing the SiB will require the permission structureinabox.use_{sib-name} (default is no).
  • cooldown-time-ms - The number of milliseconds that need to pass before a player can place a SiB again (default 5000).
  • cleanup-interval-ticks - Session cleanup time task interval in ticks (default 300).
  • expired-session-time-ms - Session TTL in MS (default 30000).


This plugin was designed and tested by the folks at WonderlandGaming for PvP and tracking servers.