This plugin adds very fun Tools (Tree delete tool, TNT laucher, Lightning tool, ...) If you want to use Tools, You must have the permission superadmintools.tool
- Tree delete tool: If you break one block of log with this tool, the tree will be removed of the world ! Command: /supertool treedel
- House delete tool Its the same as for the tree but for house deleting. Command: /supertool housedel
- TNT laucher tool When you right-click in the air with this tool, then you shoot a TNT block. Command: /supertool tnt
- Arrow tool When you right-click in the air with this tool, then you shoot an Arrow. Command: /supertool arrow
- Lightning tool Right-click: strike a Lightning, left-click: strike an Explosive Lightning ! Command: /supertool lightning
- Mob delete tool Right-click: delete mob, left-click: kill mob Command: /supertool mobdel
- Digging tool Click to dig a hole. Command: /supertool dig
- Command tool Run a command on Click. Command: /supertool cmd <command>
- Kick tool Kick the clicked player Command: /supertool kick <reason>
- Hologram tool To make a hologram Command: /supertool hg <hologram text> Info: To remove holograms use /supertool delhg <radius>
- Inventory clear tool Clear the inventory of the clicked player, use shift+click to clear your own inventory
- More tools in the next versions !
Important: How to use the commands ?
Use the commands with an item in your hand, this item will be transformed into the tool ! Tipp: You can use /supertool or /stool ! It' s the same