This plugin allows your players to open a trash where they can throw away unwanted items from their inventory
- Allows you to open an empty inventory when player drops an item!
- Fully customizable!
- Translations available
- Permission system
- Sign rubbish ([bin])
/bin - Open the bin menu
/bin reload - Reload the config.yml file
superbin.command.reload (ancient superbin.reload)
Allows user to access /bin reload command
Allows user to use /bin command (can be disabled in config.yml)
superbin.sign.create (ancient superbin.sign)
Allows user to create SuperBin sign (can be disabled in config.yml)
Allows user to use SuperBin sign (can be disabled in config.yml)
Allows user to bypass the drop protection (canDrop in config.yml)
canDrop: true worldDisable: - ExempleWorld1 - ExempleWorld2 soundsAllow: true enablePermissions: false lang: en.yml guiSize: 5 guiOpenSound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP guiCloseSound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_BREAK_WOODEN_DOOR clickClear: false
English :
menuName: 'SuperBin &7By &6Romax7' noDropMessage: You can't drop here signName: SuperBin signText: Open commandPermission: 'You don''t have permission to use that command' signPermissionCreate: 'You don''t have permission to create a SuperBin sign' signPermissionUse: 'You don''t have permission to use SuperBin signs' gui: item-1: #materials available : material: BOOK position: 49 name: Warning lore: - '&c&lBe careful' - '' - Anything you put in - here will be lost forever. glass-0: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE position: 44 name: '' lore: {} glass-1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE position: 45 name: '' lore: {} glass-2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE position: 46 name: '' lore: {} glass-3: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE position: 47 name: '' lore: {} glass-4: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE position: 48 name: '' lore: {} glass-5: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE position: 50 name: '' lore: {} glass-6: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE position: 51 name: '' lore: {} glass-7: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE position: 52 name: '' lore: {} glass-8: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE position: 53 name: '' lore: {}
Thanks for downloading this plugin! If you have any issues please contact me by private message don't use the comments for that
I'm French, all translation except English and French are generated with If there is something wrong, please contact me by private message !
Known bug:
No bug detected yet
Thanks for downloading =) !