Quote from Relicum:SuperSkySmash follows on under the SuperSky brand. It is a fully automated version smilla to the now famous Smash on the ShotBow network. It is no way a copy cat plugin as it will have our own twists and added feature set. The aim of the game is to knock your opponents off the arena so they fall to their death or blast them though the arena itself. Or Kill them by various other options at your disposal that will drop from the sky at random points or gained through Kill Streaks. The arenas will be full self destructible. But still being fully automatic, mean once started you as a server own don't have to get involved.
Quote from Relicum - As Luck Would Have It::I already have the code base for this plugin from my other plugin SuperSkyBros but it will have major alterations to make it into this plugin.
- Double-Jumps and Triple-Jumps for Players
- Unique Settings for Each Arena
- MultiVerse Support (multiple arenas in multiple worlds)
- Fully Automatic (hands-free!)
- Use signs to join an arena
- Use signs to choose a class
- All messages are customization (Full Multi Language if you do them all)
- Every command and action has it's own permission
- Lobby Manager fully automated and self protected
- No need for WorldGuard or many other plugins, this plugin hopes to manage 90% of it for you.
- Blacklist worlds you don't want running in.
- Config to auto join Lobby on Join
- Localization
- Score Ranking System
- Ground Pound
- Random Drops
- Blast players through the arena itself !
- TNT Damage ON
- Random Play and Mod Disguises
- Plus lots more.
Still in planning stage
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Will be using Bukkit Ticket system when ready