SuperTab is a plugin that allows server owners and plugin developers to change the server tab-list.
For server admins:
- very easy configuration
- a lot of variables
- very compact
For developers:
- very, very easy API
Here's an example how it could look like:
# _____ _____ _ # / ___| |_ _| | | # \ `--. _ _ _ __ ___ _ __| | __ _| |__ # `--. \ | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| |/ _` | '_ \ # /\__/ / |_| | |_) | __/ | | | (_| | |_) | # \____/ \__,_| .__/ \___|_| \_/\__,_|_.__/ # | | # |_| # # SuperTab plugin by bubbleguj # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Every new "tabslot" is marked with a "-" # # You can use those variables in the list: # # %onlineplayers% - Shows, how many players are online # %slots% - Shows, how many slots the server has # %playername% - Shows the name of the player, looking at the list # %motd% - Shows the motd # %health% - Shows the health of the player, looking at the list # %level% - Shows the XP-level of the player, looking at the list # %ip% - Shows the IP of the player, looking at the list # %gamemode% - Shows the gamemode of the player, looking at the list # %fly% - Shows if the player can fly # %hour% - Shows the system time hour # %minute% - Shows the system time minutes # %day% - Shows the system date day # %month% - Shows the system date month # # .:!IMPORTANT!:. More than 16 characters will be reduced .:!IMPORTANT!:. # .:!IMPORTANT!:. Don't create two slots with the same content .:!IMPORTANT!:. # # To create an empty list: # - '&1 ' # So, just take an colourcode and one or more spaces # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Here's an example config: # # TabConfig: # - '&1 ' # - '&1Servername' # - '&2 ' # - '&1Admins:' # - '&3 xxxxx' # - '&8 ' # - '&1Health:' # - '&3 %health%' # - '&9 ' # - '&7Players:' # - '&5 ' # - '&4 ' # # This would create this tablist: # ________________________________ #| |Servername| | #|__________|__________|__________| #|Admins: |xxxxx | | #|__________|__________|__________| #|Health: |4 | | #|__________|__________|__________| #|Players: | | | #|__________|__________|__________| # # Good luck! ;) # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If this is false, SuperTab will be disabled UseSuperTab: true TabConfig: - '&1 ' - '&1SERVERNAME' - '&2 ' - '&5[]==========' - '&5==========' - '&5==========[]' - '&7Players:' - '&5 ' - '&4 '
Look here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/supertab/pages/developers-de-de/
Commands and permissions
There's one command with a permission. The command is /streload. This will reload the SuperTab config. The permission is: supertab.reload
Put the SuperTab.jar into your plugin folder and restart your server. That's it, have fun!