Do you want your players to have money and traid? Then this is something for you! The players can traid together wich /pay and buy and sel, item at a renamed Villager. The players can even send advertisements in the chat if they offer items.
Commands for all:
/pay <player> amount (<reason>) -> To send someone money
/request <player> amount (<reason>) -> To ask someone for money
/shops help -> for help
/ads help -> for help
/ads info -> for info about the ads price
/ads <which type> text -> To send ads (&-colors)
Extra Commands for Operators:
/shops give money <amount> (<player>) -> To give yourself/a player money
/shops set money <amount> (<player>) -> To set the money for yourself/a player
/shops options traiders -> To change the activity of the traiders
/shops options start-capital -> To change the start capital
/shops item worth <amount> -> Hold a Item in the main hand and execute this command to change/set the amount you get if you sell this Item at the traider (adds a new Item if it dosn't exist for the traider)
/shops item cost <amount> -> Hold a Item in the main hand and execute this command to change/set the amount you must pay if you buy this Item at the traider (adds a new Item if it dosn't exist for the traider)
/ads options <which> price <amount> -> To change the costs for the different ads
Create the Traiders:
To get a recipient, you must rename a villager to something that has 'recipient' in it and then you can sell items at him (if the operator hasn't deactivated it).
To get a seller, you must rename a villager to something that has 'seller' in it and then you can buy items at him (if the operator hasn't deactivated it).
Default Settings:
By default, both traiders are active, the start capital is 0, a noColor ad costs 70 and the Colorful 100.
I hope you will have fun with this Plugin!