Bugs/problems/feature requests? Please file an issue at the Github repository.
This is a very lightweight plugin that allows players to save locations in the world, using warps.
Players can then utilize their compass to point them in the right direction when trying to find their warp. Warps may be edited at any time. Players can choose to create a private warp, which only they can access. Other players can be invited or uninvited to and from private warps at the warp owner's discretion. Additionally, if configured via permissions, players can teleport directly to warps.
Another major feature is the ability for players to track other players. Players send a request to the target player asking if they can track the player. If the target player accepts, the player's compass will point to the other player. Nearly every feature of the plugin can be configured using permissions.
Please note: While you may receive update notifications whenever a new update is available, the update will NOT be downloaded automatically. These notifications can be turned off through the configuration file by setting notifyOnUpdate
to false
1.1.1 (latest) for Minecraft 1.8 through 1.14; Requires sLib 1.0.6!
Important: This plugin depends on sLib to maintain compatibility between Minecraft versions!
Command | Description | Permission |
/swarp reload | Reloads the configuration files | swarp.reload |
/swarp list [page] | Lists the warps | swarp.list |
/swarp create [-p|--private] <name> [x] [y] [z] | Creates a warp at your current location or the location specified. The warp is public unless -p or --private is specified |
swarp.create |
/swarp remove <name> | Removes the named warp | swarp.remove |
/swarp invite <player> <name> | Invites the player to the named warp | swarp.invite |
/swarp uninvite <player> <name> | Uninvites the player from the named warp | swarp.invite |
/swarp modify <name> name <newName> | Sets the name of the warp | swarp.modify |
/swarp modify <name> location | Sets the location of the warp | swarp.modify |
/swarp modify <name> location <x> <y> <z> | Sets the location of the warp | swarp.modify |
/swarp modify <name> public | Makes the warp public | swarp.modify |
/swarp modify <name> private | Makes the warp private | swarp.modify |
/swarp modify <name> owner <player> | Sets the owner of the warp | swarp.modify |
/swarp modify <name> pitch <pitch> | Sets the pitch, in degrees, of the warp | swarp.modify |
/swarp modify <name> yaw <yaw> | Sets the yaw, in degrees, of the warp | swarp.modify |
/swarp go <name> | Teleports to the named warp | swarp.go |
/swarp point [name] | Sets your compass to point to the named warp or resets it if no warp is specified | swarp.point |
/swarp info | Provides information about the named warp | swarp.info |
/swarp player [-s|--silent] <player> | Sets your compass to point to the player, if the player accepts the request. If -s or --silent is specified, the request is not sent |
swarp.player |
Permission | Description | Children | Default |
swarp.reload | Allows player to reload the configuration files | op | |
swarp.list | Allows player to list the warps | true | |
swarp.create | Allows player to create warps | true | |
swarp.remove | Allows player to remove own warps | true | |
swarp.remove.all | Allows player to remove own warps and warps other players created | swarp.remove | op |
swarp.invite | Allows player to invite players to own warps | true | |
swarp.invite.all | Allows player to invite players to own warps and warps other players created | swarp.invite | op |
swarp.modify | Allows player to modify own warps | true | |
swarp.modify.all | Allows player to modify own warps and warps other players created | op | |
swarp.go | Allows player to teleport to own warps in the world that player is currently in | op | |
swarp.go.all | Allows player to teleport to own warps and warps other players created even if uninvited | swarp.go | op |
swarp.go.cross-world | Allows player to teleport to warps in any world | swarp.go | op |
swarp.point | Allows player to use the compass to point to own warps | true | |
swarp.point.all | Allows player to use the compass to point to own warps and warps other players created even if uninvited | swarp.point | op |
swarp.info | Allows player to view information about warps | true | |
swarp.player | Allows player to make requests to use the compass to track players | true | |
swarp.player.silent | Allows players to track players without making requests | swarp.player | op |
Bugs/problems/feature requests? Please file an issue at the Github repository.
Future Additions
- Advanced warp list filtering
Requests for another plugin? Want me to update an outdated/abandoned plugin? Request it here.
sWarp by Smiley43210 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.