This plugin allows Operators to use simple administrative command and pre-formats chat.
/chatformat Configure chat format
/sun Sets weather to sunny
/playerinfo Gives player info
/rain Sets weather to rainy
/thunder Sets weather to thunder storming
/up Teleports user up by specified amount of blocks
/down Teleports user down by specified amount of blocks
/heal Completely heals yourself of specified player
/fly Enables and Disables flight to yourself or specified player
/day Set time of day to morning
/night Set time of day to night
/noon Set time of day to 12:00am
/survival Set game mode to survival of yourself of specified player
/adventure Set game mode to adventure of yourself of specified player
/creative Set game mode to creative of yourself of specified player
/speed Change flying and walking speed of yourself of specified player
Chat is pre-formatted
Only users who have Operator status have access.
Ability to change chat format