

Tablist Prefix
Works for Server Versions: 1.7-1.11
Tablist Prefix is a great plugin that allows servers to add a prefix to a player's NameTag and to the Tablist. It allows you to add a specific group NameTag/Tablist prefix based on what permission that group has. For example if group Builder has the permission 'rank.builder' they will get the Builder prefix that is set in the config.
Tablist example:
NameTag example:
/tabprefix - Shows information about the plugin.
/tabprefix reload - Reloads the config
tabprefix.admin | Allows the use of /tabprefix reload
All other permissions are customizable via the config!

If you wish for certain tablist/nametag prefixes to not show up on a group you can negate them. You can negate permissions by adding a '-' directly in front of a permission node.
Here is an example of a negated permission node:
The default config can be found here.
2nd disclaimer: As explained in the config.yml, the following two settings are in testing and may not work correctly:
GetPermPrefixes: false
ReplaceBrackets: false