- Version 1.0 -
What does it do
Lets you buy tactical insertions (unpowered redstone torches), place them, and respawn on them. And they have fancy effects. :P
How does it work
Buy a tactical insertion (or multiple) using /ti buy. The price material and amount and the amount of tactical insertions you get can be configured in the config.yml. Buying can be disabled if you want to use another plugin to sell players tacticals.
You can easily place them by left clicking air or a non-interactable block, or by using the slacker command /ti. Next time you respawn, it will be on the tactical insertion (as long as you don't have any other plugins dominating the respawn event).
- tacticalinsertion: Alias: /ti. Check arguments below. Using no arguments will place a tac.
- ti: Place a tactical insertion.
- ti buy: Buy one or more tactical insertions.
- ti destroy: Destroy your tactical insertion.
- ti info: Get info about your tactical insertion.
- tacticalinsertion.*: Access to all TacticalInsertion features.
- tacticalinsertion.use: Place a tactical insertion.
- tacticalinsertion.buy: Buy tactical insertions.
- tacticalinsertion.destroy: Destroy your tactical insertion.
- tacticalinsertion.info: Info about your tactical insertion.