


What can it do?

TagMe is very unusual plugin. It allows OP to save an item tag to a file. Item tag is additional piece of information attached to an item, like enchantments or player-written books. It consists of one command with three functions: /tag.

/tag save [file.yml]
Loads NBT tag of item and converts it to YAML file.
/tag load [file.yml]
Loads YAML configuration, converts it to NBT and applies to an item.
/tag reload [file.yml]
Loads YAML and immediately saves it, possibly simplifies it.

file.yml is in TagMe folder in plugins.

Using YAML

- id:
    short: 48
    short: 1000
- id:
    short: 49
    short: 10
- id:
    short: 50
    short: 1
- id:
    short: 51
    short: 1

This YAML configuration can be applied to a bow which would have then super powers. Enchantment tag has this structure:

ench: TagList of NBTTagCompound:
    id of TagShort
    lvl of TagShort

This can be translated to this YAML:

  - {id: {short: 48}, lvl: {short: 1000}}
#  - more entries, /tag reload simplifies this to the example above.

As YAML does not have many integer types, you have to specify value type if other than 32bit-integer or double. Just create a new section and give it a predefined name: int8 or byte, int16 or short, int32 or int, int64 or long, float and double.


Duplicating Books

  1. Write a book and select it.
  2. /tag save mybook1.yml
  3. /give my_name 386 (or /give my_name 387)
  4. Select given item.
  5. /tag load mybook1.yml Now you have two books with the same content.

Common Tag Structures

Conversion Details

Loading YAML

A ConfigurationSection is usually converted to NBTTagCompound, however, if its name is one of predefined numeric name, it is converted to appropriate numeric NBT tag. An ArrayList is converted to NBTTagList. If ArrayList contains multiple types, exception is thrown. LinkedHashMap is converted to ConfigurationSection.



1.1: Updated to Minecraft 1.3.1.

1.0: Initial public release.