For support join my Discord server.
Englisch is below
TeamSpeakIP v3.3 Supports only Spigot1649(Protocolhack) for Titels.
TeamSpeakIP v3.7+ Supports ts3 connection.
TeamSpeakIP v3.1 for 1.7.*.
TeamSpeakIP v.5.0+ should Supports 1.8.* 1.9.* 1.10.* and 1.11.* if any Problems report it here.
- /ts und die TeamSpeak ip erscheint
- /ts getIP (Draufklicken und einfach im Chat die IP kopieren)
- /ts reload (kann man die Config datei neulanden kein neu start erförderlich bei config änderung)
- /ts update (Gibt die Update URL aus)
- /ts cache (Cached die Teamspeak3 Daten auf eine Datei)
- /ts cache-on (Aktiviert die Cache funktion für /ts list)
- /ts cache-off (Deaktiviert die Cache funktion für /ts list)
- /ts rl-filter (Reloaded die Filter.yml Datei)
- /ts list (Zeigt wie viele Leute auf dem TS3 on sind und wer on ist)
- /ts help (Zeigt Hilfe Seite)
- Download die letzte TeamSpeak*.jar Datei.
- Stop den Minecraft Server.
- Lege die TeamSpeak*.jar in den /plugins Ordner
- Starte deinen Server neu
TS³ Query Verbindung
- Der Bot braucht folgende Rechte:
- b_serverinstance_info_view
Wünsche oder Probleme?
Wünsche und Probleme könnt ihr HIER melden. Dient zur übersichtlichkeit.
- /ts and the TeamSpeak IP appear.
- /ts getIP (Simply press the text and copy it)
- /ts reload (reload the config)
- /ts update (Print out the Update-URL)
- /ts cache (to cache the TS³ to a file)
- /ts cache-on (enable the Cache function for /ts list)
- /ts cache-off (disable the Cache function for /ts list)
- /ts rl-filter (reload the filter.yml file)
- /ts list(Shows how many people on to the TS3 are and who is on)
- /ts help (Shows the help page)
- Download the latest TeamSpeak*.jar File.
- Stop your Minecraft server.
- Put the TeamSpeak*.jar file into your /plugins folder.
- Start your server.
TS³ Query Connection
- The bot needs the following rights:
- b_serverinstance_info_view
Wishes or problems?
Wishes and problems you can report HERE.
Links to this Project | Links zu diesem Projekt
TeamSpeakIP is now a Part of the Plugin list.
This plugin utilises Metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
By default, bStats sends the following data:
- Your server's randomly generated UUID
- The amount of players on your server
- The online mode of your server
- The bukkit version of your server
- The java version of your system (e.g. Java 8)
- The name of your OS (e.g. Windows)
- The version of your OS
- The architecture of your OS (e.g. amd64)
- The system cores of your OS (e.g. 8)
- bStats-supported plugins
- Plugin version of bStats-supported plugins
- Note, that plugin authors can send custom data, too. All data is public so you can see which data they send. Also notice all sent data is anonymous and we do NOT link the sent information with the server (e.g. server xyz is using plugin zyx) and we also do NOT store the ip of your server.
- You can disable Metrics by setting "options.Metrics" in the config.yml to false!