Tear Drop
TearDrop allows new dropped item behavior, such as placing block items into their respective kind, saplings into trees, explodes tnt, spawns mob eggs, and much more. Though this is not necessarily an ideal way to play the game, it serves as a great world editing tool, especially for forests. Using a Ghast Tear, you can create clusters of dropped items. This mod is default to OP only, as it can be used in destructive ways.
The Ghast Tear can be used with a left click to create a cluster of items at your aimed location, and a right click to create them at your location.
When using this plugin, I highly recommend backing your world up incase something goes wrong, in-case the warnings in the plugin itself aren't enough.
- /drop displays the menu for TearDrop.
- /drop mode changes the Global Droptype from default to placed items. This command changes everyone's drop type. This includes non-OPs.
- /drop shape changes the shape of the area you want to create items in: Circular, Square, and Spherical.
- /drop radius changes the radius of the area you want items to spawn in.
- /drop chance changes the chance of an item spawning in your selected area.
- /drop item changes the item you wish to be dropped.
- /drop data changes the data value of the item you've selected. This only works with certain items.
- /drop info displays some unique item information.
- /drop help displays help. I highly recommend reading this upon first time using this plugin.