Simple teleportation plugin for travelling between bases or minigames integrations
I wrote this plugin as a prototype. Basically how it works, you create a TeleBook using the /telebook command, then right-click the air where you want to set the location where you want to be teleported. After that, right-clicking the book in the air, will teleport you to the set location.
/telebook - Creates a TeleBook in the player's inventory,
/telebook help - Opens up the help menu
/telebook [username] - Spawns a telebook for the specified user
/telebook create [X] [Y] [Z] - Spawns a telebook already set for the specified coordonates
/telebook create [username] [X] [Y] [Z] - Spawns a telebook for the specified user already set on those coordonates.
telebook.create - Be able to use the /telebook command in order to create TeleBooks.
Config File
-secondsbeforetp: Configure how many seconds you need to stay still before teleporting(default is 5)
- v1.0 - Release(telebook.jar)
- v1.1(telebook-1.1.jar)
- Added a config file.
- Configure the time you need to stay still before teleporting(default 5 seconds).
- You can now execute /telebook <username> to give a telebook to another user.
- Fixed a few bugs.
- v1.2(telebook-1.2.jar)
- Added the /telebook help menu
- Added the /telebook create commands
- Arguments now using "switch" instead of "if" to fix bugs.
Version 1.2: