Telegram Server Chat

Telegram Server Chat


TelegramChat brings the chat of your Server to Telegram and vice versa. Thus you can observe your server when you're not at home or just want to write from your phone because it's amazing! The concept is realized using a bot that is created and configured by you. This bot can be added by every player on your server! They can even chat from Telegram to Minecraft using a link system which allows your players to link their Minecraft account with Telegram.

- view the Minecraft Chat
- write from Telegram to the Server
- all messages are customizable
- emoticon conversion

At first, you need to install the plugin like every other plugin.
Then you need to set up a Telegram bot. This is pretty simple:

1. Add the contact "BotFather" to Telegram.
2. Type /newbot and follow the instructions.
3. Type /token - this is what you need. (Permission is telegram.settoken)
4. Copy the given token and paste it in Minecraft. Example:
/telegram 159179821:AAHY-tQ-JonUHG4h1iHCbER-iTzC_QB4Vg

Now it is ready to use! Add the bot's name to your contacts and type /start. Now you will receive messages! You can also add the bot to Channels / Groups if you want!

Use the command /linktelegram (Permission is telegram.linktelegram) to access the chat from Telegram! Have fun!

API for developers:
