About Plugin
This plugin allows chunk claiming (on standard survival map).
First steps
- After installing plugin type (as admin) /terrain block, you will receive a terrain block. Place it on the ground to claim a chunk.
- You can enable command claiming (using /tr claim) and disable block claiming, but it's possible to use two modes in the same time.
- Eg. you can set command claiming limit to 4 (everybody can claim 4 chunks) and sell terrain blocks to increase limit.
- Make sure players can obtain terrain block.
- Free: enable command claiming and set limit e.g. to 2 and sell it using plugin like shop keepers or give them using kits or TreasureChest plugin (for more chunks).
- Paid: set up premium shop (real money), after purchase execute as console: /terrain block nickname amount.
- Private servers: enable command claiming, set limit to -1 (unlimited) and disable terrain block claiming.
There is only one command: /terrain (aliases: claim, tr, ch and chunk) and many subcommands.
- /terrain add <nick> <rank> [-a | r]
- Adds a player to your terrain
- Ranks:
- Helper - only accessing chests and interacting with blocks and mobs
- Member - building, accessings chests, interacting with blocks and mobs
- Admin - everything including terrain management (but less power than terrain owner)
- Permissions:
- terrain.add
- terrain.add.recursive (for using -a parameter)
- terrain.add.others (for admins)
- Parameters:
- -a - adds to all chunks YOU OWN
- -r (for admins) - adds to all chunks that owns owner of chunk YOU ARE STAYING IN
- /terrain remove <nick> [-a | r]
- Transfers ownership
- Permissions:
- terrain.remove
- terrain.remove.recursive (for using -a parameter)
- terrain.remove.others (for admins)
- terrain.remove.others.recursive (for admins, to use -r parameter)
- Parameters:
- -a - remove from all chunks YOU OWN
- -r (for admins) - remove from all chunks that owns owner of chunk YOU ARE STAYING IN
- /terrain transfer <nick> [-a | r] [-o] [-c]
- Removes a player from your terrain
- Permissions:
- terrain.transfer
- terrain.transfer.recursive (for using -a parameter)
- terrain.transfer.others (for admins)
- terrain.transfer.others.recursive (for admins, to use -r parameter)
- terrain.transfer.override (for admins, to use -o parameter)
- Parameters:
- -a - transfers all chunks YOU OWN
- -c - skips confirmation
- -r (for admins) - transfers all chunks that owns owner of chunk YOU ARE STAYING IN
- -o (for admins) - override, disables all security checks (just transfers ownership)
- /terrain flag [flag] [-a | r]
- Prints or changes a flag
- Permissions:
- terrain.flag
- terrain.flag.recursive (for using -a parameter)
- terrain.flag.others (for admins)
- Parameters:
- -a - changes in all chunks YOU OWN
- -r (for admins) - changes in all chunks that owns owner of chunk YOU ARE STAYING IN
- /terrain list [nick] (admins only)
- Lists your terrains
- Permissions:
- terrain.list
- terrain.list.others (for admins)
- /terrain tp <owner>:<terrain name> (admins only)
- Teleports you to your terrain
- Permissions:
- terrain.tp
- terrain.tp.others (for admins)
- /terrain claim (COMMAND MODE ONLY)
- Claims a chunk in command mode.
- Permissions:
- terrain.claim
- /terrain unclaim (COMMAND MODE ONLY)
- Unclaims a chunk in command mode.
- /terrain settp (COMMAND MODE ONLY)
- Sets teleportation point.
- Permissions:
- terrain.settp
- terrain.settp.others (for admins)
- /terrain rename <new name>
- Renames a terrain
- Permissions:
- terrain.rename
- terrain.rename.others (for admins)
- /terrain info
- Shows information about terrain
- Permissions:
- terrain.info
- /terrain block [nick] [amount]
- Gives a terrain block
- Permissions:
- terrain.block
- /terrain reload
- Reloads plugin
- Permissions:
- terrain.reload
- /terrain validate
- Validates claims' files.
- Permissions:
- terrain.validate
- /terrain manage <nick>
- Prints clickable menu (members management) for current claim
- /terrain dev [nick]
- Prints configuration (useful for debugging)
- Permissions:
- terrain.dev
Passive permissions and permissions sets (without command)
- terrain.player - gives full access to player's commands and actions (recommended for all)
- terrain.add
- terrain.addr.recursive
- terrain.remove
- terrain.remover.recursive
- terrain.transfer
- terrain.transfer.recursive
- terrain.flag
- terrain.flag.recursive
- terrain.list
- terrain.tp
- terrain.rename
- terrain.info
- terrain.settp
- terrain.claim - required for claiming chunks
- Default: true
- terrain.admin - gives full access to plugin, the same as terrain.*
- terrain.add.others
- terrain.add.others.recursive
- terrain.remove.others
- terrain.remove.others.recursive
- terrain.transfer.others
- terrain.transfer.others.recursive
- terrain.transfer.override
- terrain.flag.others
- terrain.flag.others.recursive
- terrain.list.others
- terrain.tp.others
- terrain.rename.others
- terrain.info.others
- terrain.settp.others
- terrain.block
- terrain.reload
- terrain.validate
- terrain.dev
- terrain.unclaim.others - can remove any terrain
- terrain.bypass - can do anything (build, interact, etc...) on any terrain
- terrain.admin.flag.* - can change all flags limited to admin only
- terrain.restricted.flag.* - can change all restricted flags
- terrain.restricted.flag.<flag-name> - can change restricted flag
- terrain.admin.flag.<flag-name> - can change flag limited to admin only
- Alphayt - French translation, finding bugs, some suggestions (e.g. command claiming mode, worlds whitelist and blacklist). Thank you for the time, all tests and warm words. THANK YOU!
- Parozzz - Italian translation, some suggestions (e.g. flying in own chunks, command white and blacklisting).
This plugin sends statistics about the usage to the server http://mcstats.org/. You can disable it in configuration file of this plugin (AllowMetrics option) or in plugins/PluginMetric/config.yml file (opt-out option).