

What is TEssentials?


At first: Sorry for my bad english it's not my language ;)

TEssentials is a simple but useful plugin. Here are all the things what you can do with TEssentials:

  • You can secure ban or warn players
  • You can censor bad words from the chat (Beta)
  • You can allow the plugin to censor IPs and Subdomains from the Chat (Anti Advertising)
  • You can allow the plugin to block the following commands: /plugins, /pl, /help and /? (OPs can always execute this commands)
  • You can allow the plugin to check the online state of the Minecraft Login Servers


Ban Function and Warn Function

TEssentials can secure ban players. For example: If there was a Hacker on your Server, you can ban the player with /ban, but also with /sban (Securityban). /ban Bans the Player with the TEssentials Ban-System and /sban Bans the Player with the Vanilla Ban Function.

TEssentials allows you also to Warn players. You can simply warn a player with /warn and praise a player with /praise. The Warn data will be saved in a external File in the playerData Folder of TEssentials. You can also reset the complete data with /resetdata. If /resetdata won't work, you can delete the File of the specified player.

And that's not all. You can see ingame the Ban and Warn data simply with a command. If you want to see the Ban-Data of a player, then type /listbans Or if you want to see the Warn-Data of a player, then type /listwarns

Anti Advertising

TEssentails can censor IPs and Subdomains from the Chat. For example: A player joins your Server and he write something like this "Join this Server: 123.456.78.90:25565". TEssentials gets this Message from the Chat and it replaces the IP with Flowers. The Message would be like this: "Join this Server: *.*.*.*:25565". Subdomains will be also censored.

And yes it's configurable in the config file.

Configuration File

Here is the full config.yml File of TEssentials:

  Language: English # There are only 2 Languages available: English and German
    BanMessage: 'You are banned from this Server. Reason: ' # This Message is called when a player was banned.
    KickMessage: 'You are kicked: ' # Called when a player was kicked
    BannedMessage: 'The Ban-Hammer has spoken to you!' # Called when a player is trying to join the Server
    MaxWarnReputation: 'You have reached the maximum of allowed warnings.' # Called when a player reaches the Maximum of allowed warnings
    Broadcast-Mnet-Message: 'Warning: Do not leave now! Minecraft.net is down!' # Called when Minecraft.net was down
    Broadcast-Mlogin-Message: 'Warning: Do not leave now! Minecraft login Servers are down!' # Called when Minecraft Login was down
    Kick-Function-Message: '&1You are kicked: &4We have a new Server! &6127.0.0.1' # Called when the Kick-Players function is set to true
    BroadcastWarn: true # Broadcasts a text when you warn a player
    BroadcastBan: true # Broadcasts a test when you ban a player
    Anti-Server-Adversting: true # Enables the Anti Server Advertising function
    Anti-Plugin-Spy: true # Enables the Anti Plugin Spy  function. When a player is typing /plugins, /pl, /help or /? he will get kicked.
    Anti-Insult: false # Enables the Anti Insult function. You can censor bad words. This function is not finished!
    Hide-IP: true # Hides the IP for the command /infos
    Use-Sign-Shops: false # This was a Test of my Sign Shops. It's not stable and you can get errors!
    Anti-Cheat: false # This was also not finished, but you can try it.
    Save-Player-Info: true # Saves the Player Information when it was true
    Kick-Players: false # This function allows you to kick all players they want to join. Look up for the Kick-Function-Message
    Ban-On-Adversting: false # This won't work. I fix this in the next update
    Check-Minecraft-Net: true # Check the Minecraft.net online state ?
    Check-Minecraft-Login: true # Check the Minecraft Login Server online state ?


There was many of commands in TEssentials. Here is a bit of the plugin.yml file:

    description: Checks if a player is online or not
    usage: /<command>
    aliases: [on]
    description: Some more commands.
    usage: /<command>
    aliases: [te]
    description: Allows you to warn a player.
    usage: /<command> [player] [reputation] [reason]
    aliases: [w]
    description: Allows you to see the warnings of a player.
    usage: /<command> [player]
    aliases: [listwarns]
    description: Allows you to unban a player.
    usage: /<command> [player] [reason]
    aliases: [uban]
    description: Allows you to ban a player.
    usage: /<command> [player] [reason]
    description: Allows you to see the ban data of a player.
    usage: /<command> [player]
    description: Allows you to praise a player.
    usage: /<command> [player] [reputation] [reason]
    description: Allows you to kick a player.
    usage: /<command> [player] [reason]
    description: Allows you to kick a player without broadcast Message.
    usage: /<command> [player] [reason]
    description: Allows you to secure ban a player.
    usage: /<command> [player] [reason]
    aliases: [sban]
    description: Shows you all infos about the Server.
    usage: /<command> [player] [reason]
    description: Allows you to reset the data of a player.
    usage: /<command> [player]
    description: Shows the faq.
    usage: /<command>
    description: Butter!
    usage: /<command>
    description: Allows you to disable some TEssentials commands.
    usage: /<command> [pluginCmd]
    description: Allows you to enable some TEssentials commands.
    usage: /<command> [pluginCmd]
    description: Allows you to get a skull :)
    usage: /<command> [player]
    description: Allows you to check the online state of the Servers.
    usage: /<command> [option]
    description: Allows you to mute the global chat.
    usage: /<command>
    aliases: [gmute]
    description: Allows you to set a start.
    usage: /<command>
    aliases: [sets]
    description: Teleports you to the start.
    usage: /<command>
    aliases: [st]


  1. Download the latest TEssentials Beta Version
  2. Drag the TEssentials.jar into your plugins folder.
  3. Restart or reload your Server.
  4. Have fun


  • Stable Bukkit Server



There are some available add-ons for TEssentials.

Coming Soon in later Updates

  • Open API
  • More Add-Ons
  • Language fixes

Yeah that's all for this time. Updates will be coming soon :)

And Please leave a feedback!