This is a plugin which can build objects from obj files - it uses the faces(please only triangles), the color/texture file and the alpha channel
nearly 400 Downloads :) - I am sure we will get the 1000, too :D Thanks
Color mistakes are fixed in the newest file
German explanation of the mechanics with possible subtitle translated pretty well (took me 4h to write the real text)
Added lot of new blocks in the last update
first upload is single-core, better beta has dual core support
Moscow Basilica with the color mistake:
Butterfly called little fox without color mistake(before I implementet alpha support)
It still has bugs, if you build very big things or if you have large faces. .tga-texture files are not supported!
/th3d dia -> changes to fast/slow building mode
/th3d c:/xyz/abc.obj {size-factor} -> Builds a scaled version of the object
/th3d Blender/obj.obj {size} -> Builds a scaled version from the destination from your desktop
/th3d help -> help
can be used by commandblocks, too!
still none, but blocks will come :) - maybe with their own color values, too