


You've probably wished it existed, something that lets you have a creative world with no worries of grief, something that lets your players start building right next to other players without having to worry about chunk borders.

They just start building in a spot, and that's them!

That region plugin you're after is finally here!

Getting started

ThatRegionPlugin defaults to off in all worlds, to enable it you'll have to use the correct command. Say you wanted to enable your creative world with the protected ThatRegionPlugin provides?

/thatregion setworld enable creative

After this, all your users have to do is build and their region automatically expands with use!

(Regions can't overlap, unless the players are friends)


ThatRegionPlugin lets you control everything from the prefix of the messages, right down to the denied message!

format: '&1[&2TRP&1] &2'
test-id: 352
deny-message: You can't modify blocks there!
max-volume: 1048576


Again, super simple - ops get all by default. thatregion.user defaults to true.

thatregion.user - use the user commands
thatregion.admin - use the admin commands (plus the testing item)
thatregion.bypass - bypass the plugin checks

User Commands

Only two user commands. Pretty simple to remember too.

/thatregion addbuddy name - let a friend build with you!
/thatregion rmbuddy name - removes the friend!

Admin Commands

A few admin commands, but nothing major.

/thatregion wipe name - wipe a players regions! (in-game only)
/thatregion wipe name world - wipe a players regions!
/thatregion setworld enable world - enable for that world!
/thatregion setworld disable world - disable for that world!