About The Walls Minigame
The walls was a map created by hypixel to work with redstone and to stand alone by itself. After is huge popularity, many people have been wanting server mods so that they can get the minigame working on the own server without having to reset the map by itself.
The Walls plugin is a plugin the fully automates the walls and also makes them fully customisable.
- Fully Automated walls
- Chest restocking/Block Restoring
- Support any walls map
- Sorts players into teams
- Can only build in the correct areas
Written Tutorial
A written tutorial for the plugin can be found here.
YouTube Tutorial
Heres the link. The walls tutorial
In Portuguese: The walls tutorial in Portuguese (Thanks to AbsintoJ)
Tutorial 2: The walls tutorial (Thanks to yanniclord)
Tutorial 3: The walls tutorial (Thanks to VariationVault)
Put into the plugin folder like any other minecraft server mod. Only needs TagAPI for versions and before to work. Get it Here: TagAPI Lastest versions of the plugin will start using scoreboards.
Source can be found within the jar file
Commands and Permissions
Command/Action | Permissions | Description |
/Walls Help | permission for the commands they can use | Shows the commands that they can use |
/Walls Join <ArenaName> | walls.join | Allows join to join a walls arena |
/Walls Leave | walls.join | Allows you to leave the walls |
Select a region with a brick | walls.create | Allows you to select a region with a brick |
/Walls Create <ArenaName> | walls.create | Allows you to create arenas |
/Walls Delete | walls.delete | Allows you to delete arenas |
/Walls Tool | walls.create | Gives you the wand for creating the walls |
/Walls Stop | walls.stop | Allows you to stop all arenas - Buggy till next update, use at risk |
/Walls Stop <ArenaName> | walls.stop | Allows you to stop a specific walls arena - Buggy till next update, use at risk |
/Walls Start | walls.start | Allows you to start the walls arena that you are in |
/Walls Start <ArenaName> | walls.start | Allows you to start a specific walls arena |
/Walls ListRegions <RegionType> <ArenaName> | walls.listregions | Allows you to see the regions created |
/Walls ShowRegion <RegionType> [Region-ID] <ArenaName> | walls.showregions | The sender get to see the arena regions highlighted in glowstone |
/Walls DropLocation <ArenaName> | walls.create | Adds an area that will disappear went the walls need to drop |
/Walls BuildRegion | walls.create | Allows people to build between the two different points |
/Walls SetWarp <WarpName> <ArenaName> | walls.create | Sets warps for the walls. Lobby, Lose, Win |
/Walls AddSpawn <Colour> <ArenaName> | walls.create | Adds a persons spawn point in the walls. Red, Blue, Green, Yellow |
/Walls ArenaInfo <ArenaName> | | Checks the infomation about the arenas |
/Walls Time <Operator> <Time> <ArenaName> | walls.time | Set the time the arena will last in seconds |
/Walls Broadcast <Operator> <Time> <ArenaName> | walls.broadcast | Will tell people in the arena how long it is till the walls drop |
/Walls AC <Operator> [Command] <ArenaName> | walls.commands | Edits the Allowed Commands that are allowed to be used while playing the walls |
/Walls Save <Config/Arena> [ArenaName] |,, | Allows people to save the config and arenas |
/Walls Reload <Kits> | walls.reload, walls.reload.kits | Reloads the kits config |
/Walls AutoUpdate [True/False] | walls.autoupdate | Set whether the plugin automatically downloads updates during server start up |
Join using a sign | walls.signjoin | Click a sign and it will allow you to join the game |
Sign Walls
How to create a join sign:
Line 1: [walls]
Line 2: join
Line 3: <arenaname>
How to create a kit sign:
Line 1: [walls]
Line 2: kit
Line 3: <Kit name>
Permission: walls.signwall
To break/remove the wall punch it with a brick
More coming soon...
How to set up kits
A tutorial on how to use them can be found here
Permissions for kits:
Walls.kit.* : Permission to use all the kits
Walls.kit.<kitname> : Permission to use a certain kit
Future Updates
I've decided that I'm not going to be releasing many new features to the plugin, mainly bug fixed and optimisation, whilst keeping the plugin updated, this is because I run CubeCraft ( which by itself if a lot of work, and currently being head developer and owner, it is fun working on other plugins at the same time as well, sorry for this!
Read before posting about a bug
If you are going to post a bug, make sure you try to include a link to an error log. Also tell me what you did, or when it happened that these errors started happening. Make error logs here