Why use TheAPI ?
TheAPI is open-source on discord group of DevTec
With many features and more incoming!
Looking for source-code ?
Our project is located on github:
Commands permissions:
- TheAPI.Command.<NameOfCommand>
TheAPI Events: (me.DevTec.Utils.Listener.Events package)
- ServerListPingEvent
- DamageGodPlayerByEntityEvent
- DamageGodPlayerEvent
- ConsoleLogEvent
- ServerReceiveMessageEvent
- ClientReceiveMessageEvent
- EntityMoveEvent (Speed of checking can be edited in config)
- BossBar for 1.7.10+ (BossBar.class)
- Blocks utils (BlocksAPI.class)
- Custom configuration (Config.class)
- Custom scheduler (Scheduler.class & Tasker.class)
- Custom schematic (WorldSchematic.class & VirtualSchematic.class)
- Cooldowns (CooldownAPI)
- Creator of Items (ItemCreatorAPI.class)
- Economy classes (Connected to Vault:
- EconomyAPI.class & Not connected to Vault: FakeEconomyAPI.class)
- Enchantments from minecraft and bukkit names (EnchantmentAPI.class)
- GUI creator (GUI.class)
- HEX Support for 1.16+ (#17a8d9HEX)
- Memory utils (MemoryAPI.class)
- NMS helper (NMSAPI.class & Ref.class)
- Other utils like getting Int from String or Converting Long to String Time (StringUtils.class)
- Punishment utils (PunishmentAPI.class, PlayerBanList.class & BanList.class)
- NMS helper (NMSAPI.class & Ref.class)
- Player nametag utils (NameTagAPI.class)
- Plugin manager utils (PluginManagerAPI.class)
- PlaceholderAPI & Custom PlaceholderAPI utils (PlaceholderAPI.class & ThePlaceholderAPI.class)
- PacketListener (PacketListener.class)
- Scoreboard creator (Packets scoreboard ScoreboardAPI.class)
- Sorting of Map (RankingAPI.class)
- Sign utils (SignAPI.class)
- TabList utils (TabListAPI.class)
- Worlds manager utils (WorldsManager.class)
- World border utils (WorldBorderAPI.class)
- SQL utils (SQLAPI.class)
- Sum of some useful classes (Animation, Compressors, Data, HoverMessage (Support for CraftBukkit), MultiMap<Key, Thread, Value>, PercentageList<T>, Position (Like Bukkit Location), SlowLoop, TheCoder, TheMaterial, User....)
How to use TheAPI:
- To the plugin.yml put "depend: [TheAPI]"
- Install plugin to the server
- Enjoy this awesome API!
How to setup project in IntelliJ with TheAPI:
Special thanks to BESSGEORG for creating the logo