the cage


TheCage ==

This plugin automatically creates a small survival map where you are in the dark, surrounded by walls, you have to survive, fight with a lot of monsters and try to illuminate the area with torches.
This plugin has two different versions,with following common elements:

One command -> one map

Lot of monsters and fighting.

No day light: survive as you can!


TheCage:v3 ==

This is the latest version of TheCage, you are surrounded by a transparente barrier: there is no way out! When you kill monters or animals: barriers will extend. When a player gets killed barriers will shrink.

>>>Download here


get back your freedom!: extend barriers over 10,000 blocks
You can extend barriers also placing special blocks:
But if you remove special block placed, barriers will shrink back.

restone block: +10 blocks

lapis block: +50 blocks

iron block: +100 blocks

gold block: +500 blocks

diamond block: +1000 blocks

emerald blocks: +5000 blocks


  • Watch the video!
  • Download file at link above.
  • Copy jar file in your plugin folder.
  • Don't keep both versions v2 and v3 at the same time.
  • Ensure to have all permissions and be opped
  • Find a good spot.
  • Type /cagebuild.
  • Have Fun!


  • cagebuild: builds TheCage
  • cagehelp: shows help message
  • cageover: removes barriers and gets back to regular world
  • cagespawner: places a random monster spawner at the player position (use this if there is not natural spawn in the area)


once you build TheCage, all players spawnpoint are set at the center of TheCage.

TheCage: v2

This is an older version of TheCage
The map consists of four walls of bedrock. They with ceiling and floor, creating a large and dark closed room. In survival mode it is not possible to escape outside it. It also creates a base in the center of the room, where you can take shelter. In the base there is a small tree farm. The base is illuminated by a block of Glowstone. Finally are placed four blocks of colored wool at the corners of the map. There are four blocks of the same color, on the floor of the base. You'll have to catch the blocks at the corners of the map, and place them on those of the same color inside the base.

Download here


there are 4 wool blocks at the top corners of TheCage. Get them and place them in your base at the center of the map.


  • Watch the video!
  • Download file at link above.
  • Copy jar file in your plugin folder.
  • Don't keep both versions v2 and v3 at the same time.
  • Ensure to have all permissions and be opped
  • Find a good spot.
  • Type /cagebuild.
  • Have Fun!


  • Type \tp @a ~ ~ ~ to teleport all players in your location and start the game, after you have built TheCage
  • Type \spawnpoint @a to set spawnpoint for all players in your current location, so they'll respawn there


  • cagebuild: builds TheCage
  • cagehelp: shows help message

Rules and strategies

First of all, look around. The strategy depends greatly on the biome, and depends on the resources you have available.
Search now a tree, and create your first tools.
If there is no coal in sight, you can do it using the wood of trees.
After doing some torches, begins to illuminate the area near your base.
To feed you can eat rotten flesh, if you do not find other food.
Because the space and resources are limited, replant the trees, and try to do some farming of animals.