

TheCleaner is a simple clean up utility (ala '/stoplag' from WorldGuard) which safely cleans up the world's dangling entities. It ignores players, their pets, and paintings, and will not clean any vehicle that is currently in use by a player.


  1. Github
  2. Jenkins 2.1. Use of the plugin builds from Jenkins is unofficial, unsupported and unapproved by BukkitDev Staff!



  • As a player, this command will clean the entities in your current world. It ignores paintings, other players, and player pets by default.
  • As the console, this command will clean the entities in all worlds (using the same criteria).


  • Display memory usage information and server tick rate
  • With --verbose, also displays environment java version and server operating system


  • Entity Flags
  • * --monster - This flag causes the command to only clear out monsters. /clean --monster
  • * --animal - This flag causes the command to only clear out animals. /clean --animal
  • * --watermob - This flag causes the command to only clear out water mobs. /clean --watermob
  • * --vehicle - This flag will cause the command to only clear out vehicle entities. Cannot be used with --painting. /clean --vehicle
  • * --painting - This flag will cause the command to only clear out paintings. Cannot be used with --vehicle. /clean --painting
  • * --golem - This flag will cause the command to clear out player created golems, in addition to all the regular entities. /clean --golem
  • * --pet - This flag will cause the command to clear out pets, in addition to all the regular entities. /clean --pet
  • * --villager - Specifying this flag will cause villagers to be removed. By default they are untouched. /clean --villager
  • Informational flags
  • * --info - Displays entity information about the given worlds, your current world, or all worlds (from console or with --all). /clean --info
  • * --verbose - Displays more complete information during a clean.
  • * --broadcast - Sends notices to all online players that the entities are being cleaned.
  • * --radius=[num] - Sets a radius around a player, outside of which entities will not be cleaned.
  • --force - Causes all entities (excluding players and paintings) to be removed forcefully from the server. Can also include a flag. Without additional flags, Includes pets and vehicles (even if they're in use), but not paintings. /clean --force
  • world name - Can be used to specify a specific world for cleanup. /clean world_nether

Flag Usage

Flags can be combined in any number of ways to create dynamic cleanup switches. If you want to clear out the server's animals because breeding got out of control, just do /clean --animal --all. To generate a detailed report of which entities were cleaned and how many, you can use --report.

Flags are explicit. If you don't set one in the command, that type of entity will NOT be cleaned.


Specifying the config option startup.clean and startup.flags allows TheCleaner to clear out entities when the world finishes loading, which could help for cases where you've blown up a lot of TNT and can't get back onto your server. --info, --all, and --verbose do not do anything in this case.

Example commands

/clean --all --monster
/clean --watermob world
/clean --force --verbose --broadcast
/clean --broadcast --vehicle


  • thecleaner.animal
  • thecleaner.watermob
  • thecleaner.vehicle
  • thecleaner.painting
  • thecleaner.golem
  • thecleaner.villager
  • thecleaner.force
  • thecleaner.all
  • thecleaner.verbose
  • thecleaner.broadcast
  •[world name]
  • thecleaner.* - Includes all above permissions