THIS IS AN ALPHA VERSION. Please report all issues here: Issues report
TheImpostor is a game that involves two teams: the crew and the impostors. Crewmates must complete all tasks or find out and eject impostors to win. Impostors should avoid being ejected and make others eject those who are not impostors.
- English
- Spanish
- Build your own map
- Unlimited Arenas
- Impostors number customizable
- Customizable tasks
- Customizable sabotages
- Customizable language
Planned Features:
- Interactive tasks
- Anonymous votes
- CorpseReborn - Needed to spawn players corpse
Player Commands:
- /imp join <arena> - Teleports you to the lobby
- /imp leave - Leave the game
Admin Commands:
- /imp create <arenaname> <maxplayers> <minplayers> - Create an arena
- /imp enable <arena> - Enable an arena when setup is complete
- /imp setup <arena>
- emergencyblock - Set the emergency block of the arena (You must aim the block)
- addspawn - Add a spawn
- addtask <taskname> <duration> - Add a task
- addsabotage <sabotagename> <cooldown> - Add a sabotage for impostors
- tasksnumber <number> - Set the number of tasks
Admin permissions:
- theimpostor.arena.create - Allows the user to create an arena
- theimpostor.arena.setup - Allows the user to setup an arena
- theimpostor.arena.enable - Allows the user to enable an arena
Player permissions:
- theimpostor.arena.join - Allows the user to join an arena
- theimpostor.arena.leave - Allows the user to leave an arena