TheMaze is plugin to allow server admins to create random maze's with only one path through the maze. Admins can do just about any thing they want to do with, have a race to see you can get out in the fastest time, fill it with mob's and see who can survive and find there way out, fill it with traps and chests, you can you Redstone Circuits to move the exit around making it hard to get out of the maze, Add rooms with cheats and use Redstone Circuits to close off the rooms as times goes by so the faster players can find rooms the more stuff they can get.
you must be an admin or op to run command. just load the plugin and type /maze. it will create a 51X51 maze. one maze block = 4 minecraft blocks so it size in the world will be 102X102. the maze will be created at the spot where you type the command as the center point of the maze
NOTE: for version 1.0+ you still need to be admin or op
/maze: displayed settings
/mazecommand : displayed all commands
/mazecreate: create a random maze (this will create the maze only it does not place it in the world)
/mazeplace: this will place the maze in the world (this will place the maze create with the /mazecreat command in the world running this command more the one time will only change the location of the glowstone if you want a new maz run the /mazecrate command
/mazeglow: toggle glowstone on/off
/mazeroof: toggle roof on/off (not when off this will place air where the roof will go)
/mazelevel: toggle number of floors from 1 to 2
/mazroofid: set the block type for roof
/mazewallif: set block type for walls
/mazefloorid: set block type for floor
NOTE: there is no undo in this version so only use it on a test world as all block with in the 102X102X4 will be change.