



Thermals is a Bukkit plugin for logging redstone events located in a world. The user can then request the generation of heat maps for an area, showing the redstone activity. Higher activity means hotter regions, lower, cooler. No activity is colorless, and the background is visible.


Drop the Thermals.jar into your plugins folder. Start up the server to generate the plugins/Thermals/ folder and the config.yml configuration in it.


This will be explained section by section.

Database connection information

    type: MySQL
    host: localhost
    port: '3306'
    name: minecraft
    user: root
    password: password

Change this information to match your database information.
Here are the supported types:

  • MySQL
  • More to come!

Some databse types might not require all of the information under the database section.
Here is the list of the necessary information for each type:

  • MySQL: all of the information


    world: world
    delay: 30000
    run-threshold: -1
    suppress-info: false

These are the settings for the logger, which records the information to the database. It will run periodically, processing all or a limited number of records, called "heats".

The first setting is the world. The logger will log all of the redstone change events in the specified world only. An invalid world will lead to a partially loaded and not functional plugin.

You can change the delay between each run. It is milliseconds. The default is 30 seconds.

The run threshold is the maximum of heats to process during each run. -1 represents no maximum. It is the recommended default.

You can suppress the logging to the console of the information for each run by changing the suppress-info value to true.


        min: 0
        max: 5000
    - ==: Color
      RED: 0
      BLUE: 0
      GREEN: 0
   - ==: Color
      RED: 50
      BLUE: 150
      GREEN: 0
    - ==: Color
      RED: 200
      BLUE: 140
      GREEN: 15
    - ==: Color
      RED: 250
      BLUE: 0
      GREEN: 120
    - ==: Color
      RED: 250
      BLUE: 0
      GREEN: 200
    - ==: Color
      RED: 255
      BLUE: 255
      GREEN: 255
            ==: Color
            RED: 150
            BLUE: 150
            GREEN: 150
            draw: true
            block-interval: 16
                ==: Color
                RED: 0
                BLUE: 0
                GREEN: 255
                draw: true
                grid-line-interval: 3
                    ==: Color
                    RED: 255
                    BLUE: 0
                    GREEN: 0
                        ==: Color
                        RED: 0
                        BLUE: 0
                        GREEN: 0
                    name: Myriad Pro
                    size: 10

The generator is a process responsible for generating the heat map images from the information stored in the database.

The heat generator will ignore any values bellow the minimum bound. Any above the maximum will be treated as being equal to this value. The minimum bound represents no heat, and the maximum, maximum heat

The heat gradient is used to map integer values to colors. It is ordered from coolest to hotest. Colors are expressed in the standard RGB way, with each color component ranging from 0 to 255. You can add as many colors as you want to the list. The default gradient is the thermographic one, with, from coolest to hotest: black, dark purple, redish pink, orange, yellow and white.

The heat maps have a configurable background color, with optional grids and coordinates. The background color is, by default, a dark grey. A green grid, with lines spaced 16 blocks apart is also drawn. Coordinates too are added every 3 grid lines, at intersections. These points of intersection will be marked in red. The font used is "Myriad Pro", size 10, in black.

Heat maps are overlayed on the background, and might mask some of the grid and coordinates.

Formatting key

This is the meaning of the formatting used in the documentation bellow.

[(type) value]

  • User defined arguments are between brackets.
  • The types for the arguments are between paranthesis.
  • Floating words are constants, and shouldn't be altered.

Argument Types


Represents an integer (whole) number with a value range of about -2 to 2 billion.
Decimal places are not accepted.


Represents a 2D location in a world.


[(integer) x],[(integer) z] OR here OR there

here represents the player's current location (x and z).
there represents the player's target location (x and z of the block being looked at, up to 500 blocks away).
here and there can only be used in game.



There is no space after the coma separator!


A simple chain of alphanumeric characters without any whitespace.



Command Usage


Permission: thermals.clear

Clears the heat value at the given location.
/th clear [(location) location]

Clears all of the heat values in a square of given radius, with the location being the middle.
/th clear [(location) middle] [(integer) radius]

Clears all of the heat values in the area included between the first and second locations.
/th clear [(location) from] [(location) to]

Clears all of the heat values. This action is irreversible!
/th clear all


Permission: thermals.get

Gets the heat value at the given location.
/th get [(location) location]


Permission: thermals.set

Sets the heat value at the given location.
/th set [(location) location] [(integer) heat]

Sets all of the heat values in a square of given radius, with the location being the middle, to the given heat.
/th set [(location) middle] [(integer) radius] [(integer) heat]

Sets all of the heat values in the area included between the first and second locations to the given heat.
/th set [(location) from] [(location) to] [(integer) heat]


Permission: thermals.gen

Generates a heat map of all of the heat values in a square of given radius, with the location being the middle, and saves it as PNG in the plugin data folder, overriding any existing file with a conflicting name. The file name should not include the extension.
/th gen [(location) middle] [(integer) radius] [(string) file name]

Generates a heat map of all of the heat values in the area included between the first and second locations and saves it as PNG in the plugin data folder, overriding any existing file with a conflicting name. The file name should not include the extension.
/th gen [(location) from] [(location) to] [(string) file name]


Permission: thermals.connect

Attemps to establish a connection to the database.
/th connect


Available on GitHub: Thermals

External Documentation

File on GitHub: Documentation