TeyKey's Teleporter




Hi guys. This is my first Plugin, and I hope that you like it.

What can the Plugin do?

This is a Teleport Plugin. You can Set Teleport-Locations/warps, and other Players can get to them. You can also add different "Random-Locations", so a player gets Teleported random to one of multiple defined Places.


/tplocation <name>Sets a new Warpteleporter.admin.setlocation
/tpto <name>Teleports the Player to the Warpteleporter.player.tp.<name>
/tplistShows all Warpsteleporter.player.list
/tpremove <name>Removes a Warpteleporter.admin.remove
/tprandomname <listname>Creates a new Random-Location-Listteleporter.admin.createrandomlistname
/tprandom <listname>Sets a new Randomlocation in the specifyed Listteleporter.admin.setrandomloc
/tprandomlistShows all Random-Liststeleporter.player.randomlist
/tprandomamount <listname>Shows how much randomlocations a List containsteleporter.admin.randomamount
/tptorandom <listname>Teleports the Player to one of the Randomlocations in the specifyed Listteleporter.player.randomlocation.<listname>
/tprandomlistShows all Random-Liststeleporter.player.randomlist
/tprandomremove <listname>Removes a Teleport list.teleporter.admin.removerandom
/tpinfoShows infos about the Pluginteleporter.admin.info
/tphelp <admin/player>Shows a better Help Page :)teleporter.<player/admin>.help
Version 1.3
/tpchangelogShows all changes of the Versionteleporter.admin.changelog


IMPORTANT Please open and configure the Config first, because after some ingame-commands the Strings dissappear for some reason.

Version 1.2:

German Messages: *Click*

English Messages: *Click*


German Messages: *Click*

English Messages: *Click*


English Video:

Deutsches Video:

Teleportsigns (added in v.1.3)

How to setup Teleportsigns?

  • First watch the config, changes, and change what you want.
  • How the sign should look: tp-signs-help1
  • Example without any config editing: tp-signs-help2


  • Portals
  • Colored Signs
  • Permission for creating TP-Signs.
  • Your ideas?


Any suggestions/Errors?

Send Me a PM here or at my Youtube-Channel

Known issues:

  • Illegal Argument Exception while teleporting to a randomlocation(will be fixed in v1.4)