Thibault 51 is a plugin which includes several plugin as CraftAplus and / hub and also / vip is version 1.0
- /info > give info on the plugin
- /info variable > give variable for configuration
- /vip > teleport in vip zone
- /vip set > create vip zone
- /hub > teleport to hub
- /hub set > create hub
- /hi > say hi message or /hi <pseudo> say hi for player specified.
- /salut > say hi message
- /tuer <player> >kill the player
- /infop <player> > give info on the player
Defaut Config.yml:
salut: "\xa72%player% \xa7aVous dit salut" HI: '&2%player% &ayou said hi' CONSOLE_salut: '&2Console &aVous dit salut' CONSOLE_HI: '&2Consol &ayou said hi' ADDcommand: Changeme ADDpermission: Changeme.Changeme ADDmessage: '&2send message sucess!' ADDbroadcast: '&2%player% &ayou said hi' ADDdescription: "\xa72this my command" NOpermission: '&4You don''t have permission' x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 world: world MessageHUB: "&2T\xe9l\xe9portation termin\xe9 &a%player%!" HUBset: "&2le hub a \xe9tais set en &a%x% %y% %z% dans la map %world%!" vipX: 0 vipY: 0 vipZ: 0 vipWORLD: world VIPset: '&6la zone vip a etais cree en &a%x% %y% %z% dans la map %world%' Messagevip: '&2Tu tes teleporter dans la zone vip &a%player%' NOVIP: '&4Tu n''est pas vip %player%! achette le grade!' Reload: '&2Reload finish!' Server: '&6your server %player%' bye: '&1%player% &9vous dit aurevoir' KickBye: '&6Tu a bien etais deconecter %player% a bientot.' CONSOLE_bye: '&1Console &9vous dit aurevoir' use_xmppt: true Player_Cible: '&2%player% &aTe dit bonjour %cible%' dead: '&7[%player%]: &4%cible% a trouve la mort dans un accident grave :(' deadMSG: '&2Vous avez tuer %cible% &4ASSASSIN!!!' PlayerNotFound: "\xa74Ce joueur n'existe pas %player%" InfoPSA: '&6======&5Info de %player%&6======' InfoPSB: '&9UUID: &2%UUID%' InfoPSC: '&9En: X:&2%x% &9Y:&2%y% &9Z:&2%z% &9(&2%world%&9)' InfoPSD: '&9%player% est en gamemode &2%gamemode%' InfoPSE: '&9Il a &2%food%&7/&220 &9De nourriture et &2%life%&7/&220.0 &9demi coeur' InfoPSF: "\xa79Il a &2%xp% \xa79d'XP" InfoPSG: '&6===============================' InfoPCA: '&6======&5Info de %player%&6======' InfoPCB: '&9UUID: &2%UUID%' InfoPCC: '&9En: X:&2%x% &9Y:&2%y% &9Z:&2%z% &9(&2%world%&9)' InfoPCD: '&9%player% est en gamemode &2%gamemode%' InfoPCE: '&9Il a &2%food%&7/&220 &9De nourriture et &2%life%&7/&220.0 &9demi coeur' InfoPCF: '&9Il a &2%xp% &9d"XP' InfoPCG: '&6==============================='
FR, EN, config...