Thor has powers. So why can't you have those powers? My first published plugin ever grants you the power of Thor.
- Thor's hammer.
- Right click to throw Thor's hammer and do damage to entities.
- Explosions and fireworks when lightning strikes!
- Abilities ("power ups") if you are on high or low ground.
- Monsters that attack you if you are on ice
- Chance of rain when using Thor's Hammer
- A Thor login and log-out messages
- Commands to strike you, your friends, or where you look.
- Command to ragequit, Thor style!
- Command cooldowns!
- Configurable English, Spanish, and Polish messages.
Command | Operation |
/thor help | Brings up a help menu! |
/thor's hammer | Gives you Thor's Hammer! |
/thor's hammer -d | Gives you Thor's Hammer which does damage! |
/thor destroy | Strikes lightning on yourself. |
/thor destroy -d | Strikes lightning on yourself, doing damage! |
/thor destroy player <playername> | Strike lightning on another player! |
/thor destroy player <playername> -d | Strike lightning on another player, doing damage! |
/thor destroy look | Strike lightning where you are looking! |
/thor destroy look -d | Strike lightning where you are looking, doing damage! |
/thor ragequit | Rage-quit, Thor style! |
/thor ragequit -d | Rage-quit, Thor style, striking damaging lighting in the process! |
/thor cooldowns index <player> | List all cooldowns, with indices, for a player! |
/thor cooldowns reset <player> | Reset all command cooldowns for a player! |
/thor cooldowns remove <player> <index> | Remove a player's cooldown at an index! |
/thor reload | Reloads the config.yml, messages.yml, and abilities.yml! |
Permission Node | Action |
thor.* | Allows the use of all the below permission nodes. |
thor.commands.* | Allows the use of all the commands. |
thor.destroy.* | Allows the use of all destroy commands! |
thor.friendly.* | Allows the use of all permission nodes containing "friendly"! |
thor.painful.* | Allows the use of all permission nodes containing "painful"! |
thor.cooldowns.* | Allows the use of all cooldown commands and cooldown override! |
thor.friendly.hammer | Allows the use of /thor's hammer! |
thor.painful.hammer. | Allows the use of /thor's hammer -d! | | Allows the use of /thor destroy! | | Allows the use of /thor destroy -d! |
thor.destroy.friendly.other | Allows the use of /thor destroy player <playername>! |
thor.destroy.painful.other | Allows the use of /thor destroy player <playername> -d! |
thor.destroy.friendly.look | Allows the use of /thor destroy look! |
thor.destroy.painful.look | Allows the use of /thor destroy look -d! |
thor.friendly.ragequit | Allows the use of /thor ragequit |
thor.painful.ragequit | Allows the use of /thor ragequit -d | | Allows the use of /thor help |
thor.cooldowns.index | Allows the use of /thor cooldowns index <player>! |
thor.cooldowns.reset | Allows the use of /thor cooldowns reset <player>! |
thor.cooldowns.remove | Allows the use of /thor cooldowns remove <player> <index>! |
thor.cooldowns.override | Exempts a player from cooldowns! |
thor.reload | Allows the use of /thor reload |
thor.login | Allows the Thor login message. |
thor.logout | Allows the Thor logout message. | | Allows monsters to spawn when you are on ice. |
thor.height.high | Allows you to receive affects if you are on high ground! |
thor.height.low | Allows you to receive affects when on low ground! |
(Outdated) How to use Thor version 2.3:
Have any configuration questions? Click this!
Have a problem or want a feature? Comment / Make a ticket!
If you're having fun! Click the donate button at the top right corner!
- Nothing :D