


In a neat and tidy matter, block in-game commands based on permissions and/or a whitelist/blacklist.

Sick of plugins that don't let you customise their "no permission" messages? or, maybe you want to add a permission to a command? This is what TidyCommandBlock does. This free plugin allows just that.

What can be restricted?

  • Any command by any plugin! (e.g. /warp, /msg)
  • Any bukkit provided command (e.g. /help or /version)
  • Any sub command by any plugin (e.g. /warp donorsmarket, /f rules)


To block a command, create a new .yml file inside the plugins/TidyCommandBlock/commands folder. You can use any plain text editor, such as notepad, textedit, or atom.

Then, the file syntax is like so:

command: /somecommand
permission: some.permission
message: <red>Yikes! You have to be <gold>a donor<red> to do that!
- some-uuid
- some-uuid
  • Command: The command that we are blocking
  • Permission: The permission required
  • Message: The message to show (leave blank for no message)
  • Whitelist: A list of UUIDs that can use it no matter what permission (use the /tcb whitelist add/remove <file> <player> command)
  • Blacklist: A list of UUIDs that are restricted from the command, even if they have the permission (use the /tcb blacklist add/remove <file> <player> command)

This plugin sends server your server information, statistics, version, player information, as well as plugin version information to MCStats.org, you can change this in the config.yml file.


TidyCommandBlock adds one administration command /tcb to assist with the whitelist and blacklist.


  • tidycommandblock.help: show plugin help page
  • tidycommandblock.reload: allows access to /tcb reload
  • tidycommandblock.manage: allows managing the commands in-game