This is a simple and useful plugin for everbody, who loves to build his/her own creations and wants to see the build-process later again! But you don't have a second account to film the building? No problem, this is your solution! Just start an ingame-recording and build whatever you'd like to. After you have completed your building, just stop the recording and start the reset of every blockso the world will look like at the beginning, but your building is saved in a file and is secure there. Then you can start the automatic build-process of your building and see block after block your building! If you want to, you can record it on your PC and do an awesome and simple timelapse :)
Note: You can use /tlb instead of /timelapsebuilder, record instead of recording and build instead of building.
- /tlb recording start <ID> - Starts a build-recording with the name <ID>
- /tlb recording stop - Stops the build-recording
- /tlb recording delete <ID> - Deletes a build-recording with the name <ID>
- /tlb building reset <ID> - Resets all the blocks of your building to start the automatic build-process
- /tlb building start <ID> - Starts the build-process of the building with the name <ID>
- /tlb building stop - Stops the build-process of a building
- /tlb building pause - Pauses the build-process until a specific command
- /tlb building continue - Resumes the build-process aufter the pause-command
Permission | Effect |
tlb.* | Allows you to handle all commands of this plugin |
tlb.recording.* | Allows you to handle all recording-commands |
tlb.recording.start | Allows you to start a recording |
tlb.recording.stop | Allows you to stop a recording |
tlb.recording.delete | Allows you to delete a recording |
tlb.building.* | Allows you to handle all building-commands |
tlb.building.reset | Allows you to reset the blocks for an automatic build-process |
tlb.building.start | Allows you to start an automatic build-process |
tlb.building.stop | Allows you to stop an automatic build-process |
tlb.building.pause | Allows you to pause an automatic build-process |
tlb.building.continue | Allows you to continue an automatic build-process |
How to do a TimelapseBuild
1.) Install the plugin on your server
2.) Make sure to have all required permissions
3.) Type "/tlb record start ID" (You can rename the building by exchanging the ID with whatever you'd like to)
4.) Build whatever you'd like to
5.) When you've finished, type "/tlb record stop"
6.) Type "/tlb build reset ID" to reset all blocks and make sure that the name from step 3 and 6 are the same ones. Wait until you receive an ingame-message
7.) Type "/tlb build start ID" and record the build-process, if you'd like to ;)
8.) You can pause the process(E.g. to change your point of view) by typing "/tlb build pause" and resume it by typing "/tlb build continue" or stop it by typing "/tlb build stop"
Config: enabled: true
To disable the plugin set this option to false
BlocksPerSecond: resetBuildings: 10
How many blocks per second should be removed when you reset a building
BlocksPerSecond: buildBuildings: 4
How many blocks the plugin should set per second. Don't set this number to high otherwise your client won't render all blocks and you don't have a good timelapse-effect! (4 is recommended) If you want to save resources from your server, you should take a value like 1 or 2. You can even use rates like 0.5 blocks/second => every 2 seconds a block will be set
Coming soon ;)
You can find the sourcecode on GitHub:
Timelapse-Builder on GitHub
Other informations
Thank you for using my plugins :) If you have any suggestions or new ideas, just write me a PN or add a comment on this page, this will help me to make my plugins better!