What is it?

This plugin allows teleport players to each other.

Here is some information about plugin:

  1. Player can teleport to another player in the same world
  2. There is 5 seconds cooldown between commands
  3. Plugin isn't configurable. If any of you really need to configure then I can consider to implement such a stuff.
  4. I didn't check if plugin works on earlier versions than 1.13.2
  5. There is a high probability that the plugin will work on newer versions without the need for modification, just try it ! :)


There are 4 commands only:

  • /tpa [playerName] - Sends your teleport request to specific player
  • /tpahere [playerName] - Sends a player teleport request to teleport other player to you
  • /tpaccept - Accepts the teleport request
  • /tpadeny - Denies the teleport request


Set up all permissions by justtpa.* or every command by specific permissions 

  • justtpa.tpa = /tpa [playerName] 
  • justtpa.tpahere = /tpahere [playerName]
  • justtpa.tpaccept = /tpaccept
  • justtpa.tpadeny = /tpadeny

Without setting any permission, commands will be available only for OPs.

Version 1.0.0

Plugin works on version 1.13.2 and newers.

Send any suggestions. Thanks for your feedback!