You got 1 teleporting bow and 64 arrows and you need to complete a teleportbow parkour, you can use world guard to make people to take lava/fall damage or not, the choose is yours.
- /TBSetSpawn - Creates a arena.
- /TBSetLobby - Sets the lobby.
- /TBJoin - Join's teleportbow.
- /TBLeave - Leave's teleportbow.
- /TBGet - You want the bow? Take it ;).
- /TBRemoveArena - Removes a arena.
- /TeleportBow - Shows all the commands.
- /TB - Shows all the commands.
- /TBSpawn - Teleports you to the lobby
- /TBSetSpawn: TeleportBow.Admin
- /TBGet: TeleportBow.Admin
- /TBRemoveArena: TeleportBow.Admin
- /TBSetLobby: TeleportBow.Admin
- /TBJoin: TeleportBow.TBJoin
- /TBLeave: TeleportBow.TBLeave
- /TeleportBow: TeleportBow.TeleportBow (Gived by default).
- /TB: TeleportBow.TB (Gived by default).
- /TBSpawn: TeleportBow.Spawn
- /TBLobby: TeleportBow.Lobby
- You can make Join and Win(leave) signs!
- This is how the Join sign should look:
- line 1: [TBJoin]
- line 2:
- line 3: The name of the arena
- line 4: The name of the creater of the parkour
- This is how the Win(leave) sign should look:
- line 1: [TBLeave]
Bad english
Im sorry for the bad english :( If you got an really annoying word i spelled wrongly and want me to replace it with something else, just make a comment!
Feel free to make a comment if you need help.