This plugin allows you to save locations, and teleport to them.
Its similar to /warp, TPort is more focused to be visual, almost everything can be used/edited in a GUI. For images click here.
TPort has now an official Discord server:
A saved location is called 'TPort', it comes from teleport.
Any TPort has a display item, this way you can instantly see what kind of TPort it is. Such as your home TPort you can give it as display item a bed, or you give your zombie farm a rotten flesh as display item.
You can personally save up to 24 TPorts, this amount can be lowered with the permission: 'TPort.add.[X]', where X is the maximum owned TPorts. For all the permissions click here.
Some of the extra functions:
Color Theme; you can create your own color theme (or use pre-build ones), and the plugin will change to those colors
Translations; TPort is fully translatable, even when the server does not have your prefered language. The language files have the same layout from Minecraft so you can use them in a Resource Pack
PLTP; playerteleportation, safely teleport to other players
BiomeTP; teleport to a given biome/biome preset. It has also safety systems so that you wont teleport into the void in The End, or into a lava lake in The Nether.
FeatureTP; teleport to a given feature/feature list
back teleportation; saves your last location, works with death location, BiomeTP, FeatureTP and PLTP
Teleporters; create items to teleport/do action with right click of the teleporter (teleporters work even when in an item frame).
Home; set a TPort as home for quick teleportation.
Log; keep track of players teleporting to logged TPorts
Public TPorts; this is a list of TPorts that usually is usefull for the whole server, but these Public TPorts can be whatever you want.
Horse friendly; while you sit on your horse and you teleport using TPort your horse will teleport with you, and you still sit on the horse
Boat friendly; while you sit in a boat and you teleport using TPort your boat will teleport with you, and you will still sit in the boat. And other passengers in that boat will teleport with the boat.
Leash friendly; when you teleport using TPort any entity on a leash you hold will teleport with you
You can make your TPort very safe, so that random players can't grief your home.
Some safety measurements:
Whitelist; you can create a whitelist of players, only the players in that whitelist can teleport to that TPort.
Range; you can set a range to a TPort, when you are within that range of the TPort others can teleport to that TPort, when you are further away that your given range other players can not teleport to that TPort.
Private; this has 4 states: off, on, online, prion.
- open: all players can teleport to that TPort
- private: only players in your whitelist can teleport to that TPort
- online: players can not teleport to that TPort when you (the owner) are offline, not even players in the whitelist
- prion: private online, same as 'online' but when you are offline the players in your whitelist can teleport
- consent_private: players have to ask consent to teleport to the given TPort, when the owner is offline the TPort will become private
- consent_close: players in your whitelist can ask for consent, when the owner is offline the TPort will close to all players
There are over 200 commands to be used. Don't worry, all commands have their own explanation which can be looked at in game.
For help with TPort use '/tport help <command>'.
Example: '/tport help TPort biomeTP', this shows you all the commands that start with '/tport biomeTP' with their command description.
For a list of all the commands you can check the permissions file that will show up in your TPort folder (./server folder/plugins/tport), or click here to see it before installation.
For more information you can check the 'pages' tab.
code can be found on my GitHub account