




Since the creation of PotionProtect, I always wondered why there was a localization system if there is no way to implement it easily and transparently in the plugin. Why didn't anyone already created a localization system? Neither Bukkit itself, nor Essentials or any other plugins.


Translate is back-end plugin meant for plugin developers and server administrators to localize plugins easily. It works great with Curse's localization system, since it's able to parse the exported languages.

How to install?

Translate install just like any other plugins. Simply put the "Translate.jar" file in your 'plugins' folder. After the first launch, Translate will create a 'Translations' folder in the 'plugins' folder. In this folder will be translation files for all of your currently installed plugins. For instance, Translate's own translation file looks like this :

CANTFINDPLUGIN = "Couldn't find any other plugins! What about checking ?"
CREATEDTRANSLATIONFROMJAR = "created file from jar."
CREATEDTRANSLATIONFROMSCRATCH = "created file from scratch."
LOADEDTRANSLATION = "loaded translation from file."
FIRSTRUN = "Detected first run, creating own file from jar"

The caps on the left of a line is called a 'key'. The text between quotation marks is the translated sentence for a given key. Note the plugins you use must be localizable. If you aren't seeing any differences in the plugin or aren't seeing any keys in the plugin's translation file, consider posting a ticket on that plugin's BukkitDev page.

How to download a translation?

Go to the plugin's BukkitDev page. Then navigate to the 'Localization' tab, and click the 'Export' sub-tab. Choose 'Global Strings' as the export format, choose your language and set the other options to default. Copy and paste the resulting output to the choosed plugin's translation file in your server.

How to make my plugin localizable?

See this page for plugin developers.