Travoria Lands


UPDATED TO 2.0.0: Old description here: Description below 2.0.0


Travoria Lands allows you to create properties for everyone to buy. You can create them in different sizes (a minumum size can be set in the config) and with different prices. You can create lands (used to build your house etc.) and regions, which can capsule lands. If you own a region you may also create lands within it even if you do not have the global permission to create them. You also can set some configurations within the region which overwrite the global on

In a region you can also start a discount event. The discount may be an absolute or a percental off the price of the land and is set for a number of lands to be sold.


All commands with full explanation here: Commands (Under work)

For now use the help ingame: /travorialands help


  • travlands.user - Normal user
  • travlands.region - Can modify regions
  • - Can reload the config
  • travlands.config.change - Can change the config via commands
  • - Can create, modify and delete lands
  • - Can build on and above every land


  • language: eng (Language which will be loaded out of the locals.yml)
  • defaultLandPrice: price a land costs if you do not enter a different one
  • defaultRegionPrice: price a region costs if you do not enter a different one
  • minimumBuildHeight: minimum blocks you can build above the marked block
  • minimumLandEdgeSize: minimum edge size a land may have
  • minimumRegionEdgeSize: minimum edge size a region may have
  • allowSellingEmptyLand: if you can sell an empty land (requires
  • allowSellingOwnedLand: if you can sell your owned land
  • allowSellingEmptyRegion: if you can sell an empty region (requires travlands.region)
  • allowSellingOwnedRegion: if you can sell your owned region

