Created by HiROs15/DividedByZero.Who are the developers?
The developers of this plugin are HiROs15 and DividedByZero. Together we make up the development team called Nova Development. The Nova development team works together on creating very unique plugins for bukkit and we also update plugins that are out of date. If you need any plugin updated, as long as it is open source our team will get right to work on it on request.What is TreasureFinder?
TreasureFinder is a plugin that rewards users for playing legit survival. When your members are out mining, they might run into a chest that appears randomly and has items in it. You can configure what items are in an infinite amount of chests, How rare items are in each chest, How rare treasure chests are to encounter, and last but not least you can configure what messages the users see when they find treasure. Basicly everything that the Nova Development team creates has an extreme amount of customization involved in it.Getting Started
The plugin works pretty much right out of the box. But they're are a few configurations you need to setup. First you need to setup the chest configruations.Below is an example of a chest configuration.
enabled: true
chests: 2
That is the format for the chests.yml file. Make sure that you have everything setup that way or the plugin may throw errors.
- To find treasure - treasurefinder.find
- /treasurefinder reload - treasurefinder.reload
- /treasurefinder forcesetup - treasurefinder.forcesetup
Main Configuration File
Below is an example configuration file (config.yml)enabled: true
setup: true
chance: 1 //Chance to find treasure (1-100)
joinMessage: true
displayMessage: true
To Do List
- Add a leaderboard
- Add World support
- Add a help command
- Add custom messages
- Add an Auto Updater option.
Please note that all these features are currently being worked on as your read this.