


Downloads, v1.1, tested against 1060

Supported plugins (not a requirement)


Will try to find another service to receive funds through.


This plugin sets one of five modes for a world (of your choice, obviously) - normal, day and night, dusk, dawn or you can create your own schedule! Normal doesn't affect the time, day resets the time to just before 14:00 every now and then, while night does the same with 02:00 and dusk and dawn.. well, you get the idea. You'll be also able to create your own cycle.


  • Weather-control! (see how to create a schedule)
  • Sync to real-time time!
  • Make your own cycle! (see how to create a schedule)
  • Creative-servers where you always want it to be day!
  • Survival-servers (or worlds on survival servers, for instance: questing) where you want it to be night all the time and have monsters pop up, or make the surface more of a "safe-zone" by having day all the time.
  • Keep the nether dark till we get the proper red fog (better than nothing ;))! Not needed anymore! Good job, Bukkit-team!


- tweakedcycle.admin

Command reference (requires op or permissions)

All commands start with /tc or /tweakedcycle - run without a parameter to get help ingame, () denote aliases (l)ist - show available worlds (defaults to i=0 if called without the parameter) (r)eload - reloads worlds (s)et worldname mode - sets a mode, either normal/0, day/1, night/2, dusk/3, dawn/4, real/5 OR your own schedule name, you may use + as space in the worldname. Worldname can be multiple worlds separated by spaces, don't use quotes! Cycle-creation: (l)ist(s)chedules [#] - lists avilable schedules (d)elete(s)chedule name - deletes a schedule (n)ew(s)chedule name sched - creates a new schedule (read how to create a schedule) (s)ched(r)es [#] - modifies time-resolution or shows the current one (default 15) (b)road(c)ast - modifies whether the server broadcasts impending day-changes (approx. 15, 30 and 60 secs before the actual change happens)

How to create a schedule

The schedule-formating is as follows: timeofday:length(r),timeofday:length(r).... timeofday is either 1,2,3,4 - day - 1, night- 2, dusk - 3, dawn - 4, you may use either words or numbers to describe time of day. Length is the number of schedule-ticks you want the cycle to last. If you set it to 2, it'll last two cycles, if you don't provide any number, it'll last 1 cycle, if you provide 4r, then the time of day will be reset to timeofday per schedule-tick. Examples: 2:2r,1:2 - will give two night-ticks where the position of the moon is reset per tick and then two day-ticks where the sun isn't reset. 1,2:2,3:3,4:4r - will give one day-tick, two night-ticks, 3 dusk-ticks and 4 resetting dawn-ticks. Weather: add "-[modes]" to timeofday. Available modes are s/d, t/c. s = storm, d = drought, t = thunder, c = calm. Remember: you can't have thunder without storm ;) Weather is relative, meaning if you do -st and then nothing, you'll have st for the next timeofday as well. Example usage: /tc ns myschedule 1-st:2,3:3,4-sc:5,2-t - this will give two ticks of day and thunderstorm, 3 ticks of dusk with the thunderstorm still going on and then 5 ticks of of rain and dawn and the at last, a tick of night with thunderstorm (inherited from the phase before). Fun things you can try: Create a raveparty! First: /tc sr 1 Then: /tc ns rave 1,2,3,4 Finally: /tc s world rave[/spoiler]


  • v1.1
    • Individual schedule-resolutions
    • Real-mode (syncs to local time) + shifttime so that you can change time-zones.
    • Fixed having to reload this plugin after starting or reloading the server.
  • v1.0.2
    • Redstone and fluid-fix (thanks to @maveok who was kind enough to point out my mistake :) ) - please send me a message if this doesn't work.
  • v1.0.1
    • Fixed spaces and pluses in names
  • v1.0
    • Improved reliability
    • Fixed weird message-spam
    • Fixed "Using an invalid schedule-string may cause an exception."
  • v0.4.1
    • Removed empty weather-change messages (" in 15 seconds")
  • v0.4
    • Weather-control!
  • v0.3.2
    • + as space in worldname
  • v0.3.1
    • Added some nice utility to newschedule.
  • v0.3
    • Create your own cycle!
  • v0.2
    • Permissions-support.
  • v0.1:
    • Plugin released.
May require testing
  • Doesn't work with skylands in multiverse.
Planned features/todo
  • <font color="red">[High]</font> Snow once it gets supported by the API.
  • Add your suggestion.