tWizT3d FoodEffects

tWizT3d FoodEffects



Customizable in the config. This plugin can add effects to a player when they eat a food, similar to golden apples.


This is where all the fun and customization comes in


Enable: true



Level: 100

Seconds: 30
Minutes: 50
Infinite: true


Level: 1
LevelInGame: true

Seconds: 30
Minutes: 1
Infinite: false

This is how each of the effects section looks

So let us start with how to read it. I went off of the bukkit effect names found here.

Enable part enables that effect to be used, so if you don't ever want Speed, just set that to false.

The list is a list of possible lores for the plugin to give the effect to.

The Time section specifies how long the player will get the effect fore, or you can set infinite to true to give the player permanent effects.

And the Level section after it is the level. If you don't add a level, it should default to level 1 effects.

On the list you CAN have the same one on multiple effects. So if you want a beacon to have speed, resistance, haste, regeneration, and jumpboost, you add it to both with their respective level you want.

The LevelInGame section allows you, when you lore the item, add a number after it to change the level. 

If you forget that number, it should default to whatever level you have in the config for it