

uHome - A multiple private home warp plugin for Bukkit and Minecraft.

Uses Bukkit's superperms for all permissions - works with all modern permissions systems!

For simple set-up, give your users 'uhome.own' and your admins 'uhome.admin'. A 'uhome.all' superperms node is included for ease of use.

Commands & Permissions:

Basic Commands:
/home - (uhome.own.warp) - Takes you to your "home" home.
/home set - (uhome.own.set) - Sets your "home" home to your current position.
/home delete - (uhome.own.delete) - Deletes your home "home".
/home invite <player> - (uhome.own.invite) - Invites a player to your home "home".
/home uninvite <player> - (uhome.own.invite) - Uninvites a player from your home "home".
/home help - Display help

Multihome Commands:
/home <name> - (uhome.own.warp) - Takes you to your home with the name <name>.
/home list - (uhome.own.list) - Displays the homes you own.
/home set <name> - (uhome.own.set) - Sets a home called <name> to your current position.
/home delete <name> - (uhome.own.delete) - Deletes your home named <name>.
/home invite <player> <home> - (uhome.own.invite) - Invites a player to your home <home>.
/home uninvite <player> <home> - (uhome.own.invite) - Uninvites a player from your home <home>.
/home invites - (uhome.own.invite) - List the invites you have received.
/home invites from <player> - (uhome.own.invite) - List the invites you have received from <player>.
/home requests - (uhome.own.invite) - List the invites you have sent.

Admin Commands:
/home list <player> - (uhome.admin.list) - Lists a player's homes.
/home delete <player> <name> - (uhome.admin.delete) - Delete's a player's home.
/home reload - (uhome.admin.reload) - Reload uHome's configuration - Do not use this for swapping to MySQL
/home <player> <name> - (uhome.admin.warp) - Takes you to the home of <player> called <name>.
/home set <player> <name> - (uhome.admin.set) - Sets another player's home to your location.
/home invites <player> - (uhome.admin.invite) - List the invites that player has received.
/home requests <player> - (uhome.own.invite) - List the invites that player has sent.
/home debug - (Console only) - Toggle the debug logging on or off.


Variable Permissions:
(uhome.limit.[a-e]) - Gives the player the home limit reflected by the config. E.g. if limitB=10, and the player has the permission "uhome.limit.b", the player can make up to 10 homes.
(uhome.cooldown.[a-e]) - Gives the player the cooldown time reflected by the config, as above.
(uhome.warmup.[a-e]) - Gives the player the warmup time reflected by the config, as above.

Bypassing Timers/Limits Permisions:
(uhome.bypass) - Bypass all limits (cooldowns, warmups, bed usage and home limit)
(uhome.bypass.cooldown) - Permission to bypass /home cooldowns
(uhome.bypass.warmup) - Permission to bypass /home warmup
(uhome.bypass.warmup.damage) - Permission to ignore damage when warming-up
(uhome.bypass.warmup.movement) - Permission to ignore movement when warming-up
(uhome.bypass.bed) - Permission to use /sethome when bed usage is forced.
(uhome.crossworld) - Permission to warp to homes that are in another world.
(uhome.deny) - Permission to deny all access to the plugin - must be enabled in the config.

Admin Permissions:
(uhome.all) - Has access to all commands in uHome
(uhome.admin.reload) - Is able to reload uHome config.

Configuration Options:

coolDown - Default: 0 - Global timer: The number of seconds between uses of /home
coolDownNotify - default: false - Whether or not players will be notified after they've cooled down
warmUp - Default : 0 - Global timer: The number of seconds a player has to wait before being sent /home
warmUpNotify - default: true - Whether players should be told when they've warmed up.
abortOnDamage - default: 0 - Warmup Aborting: 0: No aborting of /home on damage, 1: Abort for PVP damage only, 2: Abort for PVE damage only, 3: Abort for both PVP and PVE
coolDownSetHome - default: 0 - Global Timer: Time in seconds between uses of /sethome
timerByPerms - defaut: false - Should cooldown/warmup timers be dictated by settings in a permissions plugin.
additionalTime - default: false - Should group/user timers be IN ADDITION to the global timers.
enableDenyPerm - default: false - Should uHome stop players with uhome.deny from using the plugin?

compassPointer - default: true - Should the compass point to a player's /home

downloadLibs - default: true - Should uHome attempt to download any libraries
sqliteLib - default: true - Should uHome attempt to download the SQLite library (downloadLibs must be true)
mysqlLib - default: true - Should uHome attempt to download the MySQL library (downloadLibs must be true)

allowSetHome - default: false - Should /sethome usage be enabled (/home set is not disabled)
respawnToHome - default: false - Whether or not players will respawn to their homes (false means to global spawn)
bedsCanSethome - default: 0 - Can using a bed do /sethome - 0 = Disabled, 1 = Using a bed will /sethome automatically, 2 = /sethome is disabled and can only be set by using a bed.
bedsDuringDay - default: false - Whether beds can be used to /sethome during the day without sleeping in them. Must be enabbled for Skylands and bedsCanSethome must not be 0
loadChunks - default: false - Force sending of the chunk which people teleport to - Not recommended with other chunk loaders.

usemySQL - default: false - MySQL usage -- true = use MySQL database / false = use SQLite
mySQLconn - default: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft - MySQL Connection (only if using MySQL)
mySQLuname - default: root - MySQL Username (only if using MySQL)
mySQLpass - default: password - MySQL Password (only if using MySQL)