Arthur De Witte

Arthur De Witte

A simple all in commands plugin that is still under development.
This plugin is created to let you modify as much as possible in this plugin.
This plugin only has a few commands and an already very advanced config file.
Modify every command as you wish, edit permissions, message, prefix, ...

Currently, these are the commands that are included:

  • uc - help menu
  • bc - broadcast a message to your whole server!
  • sc - a private chat for your staff members!
  • ac - a private chat for your admins!
  • fly - toggle fly
  • gms, gmc, gma, gmsp - change gamemode

Other things that are included:

  • Fully customizable auto broadcasting! (alerts)

Current config file:

# ****************************************************************************** #
#                                UltimateCommands                                #
# ****************************************************************************** #

#    /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\  #
#  / /=======================================================================\ \ #
# | |                                 NOTES:                                 | | #
# \ \                                                                        \ \ #
# | | To ensure that the plugin runs like usual please follow the rules:     | | #
# \ \  - Save file as UTF-8                                                  \ \ #
# | |  - Indents correct                                                     | | #
# \ \  - Symbol in text? --> enclosed in single our double quotes            \ \ #
# | |  - If you want to write ' or " double type them. (I'm --> I''m)        | | #
# \ \  - Spaces in place of tabs.                                            \ \ #
# | |                                                                        | | #
# \ \ A '#' means that its commented, removing the '#' will let UC detect    \ \ #
# | | it, only remove it when '# example' stands above it or if you know     | | #
# \ \ what you're doing!                                                     \ \ #
# | |                                                                        | | #
# \ \=======================================================================/ /  #
#  \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/  #

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# This is the prefix that will be send before every message.                     #
# Feel free to customize this to your will!                                      #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
prefix: '&7[&e&lU&6&lC&7] &r'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# These are the two states that will be used when an action has been turned on   #
# or off. If you want to keep everything organised keep the '&r' at the end of   #
# the string!                                                                    #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  enabled: '&aenabled&r'
  disabled: '&4disabled&r'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Automatically broadcast a message to everyone every x seconds.                 #
# enabled - Should it broadcast?                                                 #
# time - The cycle time in seconds, eg: msg 1 --> 30 seconds --> msg 2           #
# messages - a list of messages, feel free to add some.                          #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  enabled: true
  time: 60
        - '--------------------'
        - ''
        - 'This server runs on'
        - '&e&lUltimate&6&lCommands'
        - ''
        - '--------------------'
        - '--------------------'
        - ''
        - '&cCustomize this in the &econfig&c!'
        - ''
        - '--------------------'
   # example:
   # 3:
   #  message:
   #    - 'My cool message!'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Customize ALL your commands to perfection!                                     #
# Permission info:                                                               #
#   default - This allows all members to use that command.                       #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # The help menu of UltimateCommands!                                             #
  # permission - Allow only users with this permission to access the help menu!    #
  # messages - All the messages that will be sent to a user when the command has   #
  # been executed!                                                                 #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    enabled: true
    permission: default
      - '&e&lU&eltimate &6&lC&6ommands&7 - &cHELP'
      - '&7This help menu will give a brief summary of all commands included!'
      - '&abc &7(&cmessage&7) &2- &rBroadcast a message to your whole server!'
      - '&asc &7(&cmessage&7) &2- &rSend a private message to your staff members!'
      - '&aac &7(&cmessage&7) &2- &rSend a private message to your admins!'
      - '&afly &7[&emember&7] &2- &rToggles fly for yourself or another member!'
      - '&agms &7[&emember&7] &2- &rPut yourself or another member in survival!'
      - '&agmc &7[&emember&7] &2- &rPut yourself or another member in creative!'
      - '&agma &7[&emember&7] &2- &rPut yourself or another member in adventure!'
      - '&agmsp &7[&emember&7] &2- &rPut yourself or another member in spectator!'
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # Allow a user to fly without gamemode.                                          #
  # Permissions:                                                                   #
  #   Self - Allow a user to change their flight state.                            #
  #   Others - Allow a user to change other people their flight state.             #
  # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
  # Messages:                                                                      #
  #   message - The message that is send when executed successfully.               #
  #   targetmsg - The message that is send to the receiver. (target)               #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    enabled: true
    message: 'Successfully {state} fly for &e{player.display_name}&r!'
    targetmsg: 'Your flight got {state} by {author}!'
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # Broadcast a message to your whole server!                                      #
  # prefix - The prefix of the broadcast message.                                  #
  # permission - The permission required for a member to be able to use broadcast. #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    enabled: true
    prefix: '&7[&4ALERT&7] &r'
    permission: UC.broadcast
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # Change a user their gamemode!                                                  #
  # Permissions:                                                                   #
  #   Self - Allow a user to change their own gamemode. (Specific)                 #
  #   Others - Allow a user to change other people their gamemode. (Specific)      #
  # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
  # Messages:                                                                      #
  #   message - The message that is send when executed successfully.               #
  #   already - The message that is send if the user is already in that gamemode.  #
  #   targetmsg - The message that is send to the receiver. (target)               #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    enabled: true
    message: 'Successfully changed &e{player.display_name}&r their gamemode from {gamemode.last} to {}!'
    already: 'Oh, &e{player.display_name}&r is already in {gamemode.last}!'
    targetmsg: 'Your gamemode has been updated from {gamemode.last} to {} by &e{author}&r!'
      call: '&2survival&r'
        self: UC.gamemode.survival
        others: UC.gamemode.survival.others
      call: '&dcreative&r'
        self: UC.gamemode.creative
        others: UC.gamemode.creative.others
      call: '&eadventure&r'
        self: UC.gamemode.adventure
        pthers: UC.gamemode.adventure.others
      call: '&cspectator&r'
        self: UC.gamemode.spectator
        others: UC.gamemode.spectator.others
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # Staff-chat & Admin chat.                                                       #
  #   prefix - what stands before the private message.                             #
  #   permission - the permission required to send and see the private chat.       #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    enabled: true
    prefix: '&7[&4Staff&7] &r'
    enabled: true
    prefix: '&7[&cAdmin&7] &r'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# No category specific messages:                                                 #
#   unknownPlayer - Requested player is not online or doesn't exist.             #
#   noPerms - The requester doesn't have enough permission to execute this cmd.  #
#   unableToExecute - The requester can't execute this command. (EG console)     #
#   missingParam - The action requires an extra parameter that wasn't given.     #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  unknownPlayer: '&4I could not find an online player called &7''&e{arg}&7''&4!'
  noPerms: '&4You do &lNOT&4 have enough permissions to execute this command!'
  unableToExecute: '&cYou are unable to execute this command!'
  missingParam: '&4Missing required parameter(s)!'