


This is the basic version of the plugin. To unlock all features please follow the link to the premium version. Thanks for the support.

Premium version

/ut help
/ut reload
Location, claimable warps & villager related commands:
/ut add [location name]
/ut addc [warp name]
/ut delete [location name]
/ut deletec [warp name]
/ut replace [location name]
/ut replacec [warp name]
/ut <location>
/ut locations
/utc <claimable warp>
/ut warps
/ut getlocation [location name]
/ut getwarp [warp name]
/ut global || /utg
/ut spawnvillager [villager name]
/ut delvillager [villager name]
Home related commands:
/ut sethome [home name]
/ut delhome [home name]
/ut rephome [home name]
/uth <home>
/ut homes
/ut gethome [home name]
Player related commands:
/utp [player]
/utp <accept / decline / abort>
/utp [player 1] [player 2]
Per-Warp-Permissions enabled? Use ut.tp.<warp> for a specific warp
and utc.tp.<claimwarp> for a specific claimable warp