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UltraWarp is the new ultimate Warp plugin for bukkit. It uses MySQL or SQlite depnding on what is best for you! The aim of the plugin is to take out the commands and try replacing them with clickable items in custom inventory to warp places!
UltraWarp uses MySQL or SQlite depending on which you want to use!
Warp Compass
What is the Warp Compass? Well the warp compass is a Custom Inventory that will pop up every time you right click the "My Warps" Compass or what ever you rename it too. When the custom inventory is opened you will get a list of all your and public warps and to warp you simply click the page where your warp is. And also the compass is multi page so if you have 100 warps there will only be displayed 26 items per page. You click the "Next" Arrow to go to the next page and click the "Back" Arrow to go back a page
/warp add/set/create < warp="" name=""> | to create a warp.
/warp < warp="" name=""> | to warp.
/warp remove/rem < warp="" name=""> | to remove warps
/warp modify < warp="" name=""> < parameter=""> | There is only one parameter now that is setpos/pos
/warp list | Get list of all off your warps!