Simple plugin to randomize any player spawn point. Suitable for Hardcore/Anarchy server!
Installation: Download the jar and put it in your plugins folder.
Features: - Spawn player randomly. - You can limit the random coordinates. - You can set when the player should be spawned randomly: - Don't respawn randomly if they have a bed. - Respawn randomly only on new player/first-join. - Respawn randomly on join.
Commands: - /uxspawn-config - Show current configuration settings. - /uxspawn-reload - Reload configuration settings.
Permissions: - UnexpectedSpawn - Access to all commands (Default: op)
Configurations: Settings are easy, check out the config.yml in plugins/UnexpectedSpawn folder.
# ####################
# Coordinate Setting #
# ####################
# Values are integer, example:
# x-max: 9500
# x-min: -9500
# z-max: 9500
# z-min: -9500
x-max: 9500
x-min: -9500
z-max: 9500
z-min: -9500
# ###################
# Condition Setting #
# ###################
# Keep bed respawn?
bedrespawn: true
# Randomize new player spawn point?
firstjoin: false
# Randomize player spawn point every time they join?
onjoin: false
Suggestions? Bug? Let me know! It's my first plugin!