


UtilsPlus is a utility commands plugin, for moderation or just for fun . At your own fun or serious content .


I was just testing out how it works to get a plugin on Bukkit.
If anyone is interested in making plugins with someone, contact me on discord Puedo#0001


We deserve the right to: Edit, remove and add commands or function. Due to the recent version of this plugin, bugs can happen. If this is the case, report them in the comments down below or contact me via Discord (PuedoYT#5515).

We are not responsable to lag or bugs on YOUR server . We do our best to try to fixes bugs. 


This plugin license is PUBLIC, so features describe in the CONTENT SECTION can be not in the Public Version .

PRIVATE LICENSE cannot be obtenable, except from the Developpper of the Plugins .


Why and how our plugin features affect your experience (NOT A FAQ)


I. Needed Plugins

II. How to install it in your server

III.  Moderation Commands

III.I Moderation Commands Permissions

VI. Fun commands

VI.I Fun Commands Permissions

V. How to correctly report a bug

V.I Bugs Category

V.II Importance Level of a Bug

IV. TOS (Term Of Service)

Why and how our plugin features affect your experience?

This plugin affect your experience by offering mutltiple features:

Fun commands

Moderation Commands

Other plugin do the same, but we just want to have fun while coding .

If you want to support us, just download the plugin . Its helping us a lot!


Add a config.yml for /tb and /tm reason

Add a right-click shooting fireball function

Create a "Test Server" (For people who want to test the plugin before installing it)

I. Needed Plugins

UtilsPlus need some plugins to work correctly:


II. How to install it on your server

Step 1: Go in the "FILE" section of the plugin page

Step 2: Download the version of your server

Step 3: Go on your server panel, then in the "Web FTP" section

Step 4: Go into the plugin folder and drag UtilsPlus!

Simple as that!

III. Moderation Commands

/tb <Player> - Tempban the player for 30d for: CHEAT

/tm <Player> - Tempmute the player for 1h for: Infraction of the rules

/gmc - Set the player gamemode to creative! 

/gms - Set the player gamemode to survival! 

/gma - Set the player gamemode to adventure! 

/gmsp - Set the player gamemode to spectator! 

/uuid <Player> or /playerid <Player> - Show the target's uuid

/utilsplus or /u+ - Show the plugin informations

/serverinfo or /si - Show the server's informations

III.I Moderation Commands Permissions

/tb - staff.tempban

/tb - staff.tempmute

/gmc - gamemodec.use

/gms - gamemodes.use

/gma - gamemodea.use

/gmsp - gamemodesp.use

/uuid <Player> or /playerid <Player> - admin.playeruuid.use

/utilsplus or /u+ - admin.plugin.utilsplus_information.show

/serverinfo or /si - admin.showsi

VI. Fun Commands

/fb - shoot a fire ball!

VI.I Fun Commands Permissions

/fb - vip.shoot_fireball

V. How to correctly report a bug

To report a bug, please report it in the comments or on discord (PuedoYT#5515) with the following format:

*Your IGN:

*Plugin Version Used:

*Minecraft Version Used:

*Bug Category:

*Bug importance: 

*Function(s)/Command(s) to disable for safety while fixing the bug(s):

*Steps to reproduct then bug:

V.I Bugs Category

The principal bugs category (for now) are:

Functions Describe the inlucde functions in the plugin (Like /fb)

Commands Describe the commands (like /tb,/utilsplus ect....)

V.II Importance Level of a Bug

The following list is write from the more safety to the most dangerous

Safe  - A minor bug

Mid Safe  - A bug, but not really important

Medium - A important bug, but will normally dont affect your server perfomance

Dangerous - A important bug, wich can have impact on your server perfomance

IV.  T.O.S (Term Of Service)

The terms "our","we" are terms reserved to be used by our Developpement team.

UtilsPlus,U+, the content of this plugin, the functions,the commands are under COPYRIGHT.

Any sort of copy,remake of our plugin can be punished by justice .

We are taking seriously our project and we are protecting it .

Use a "Java Decompiler" to take OUR code can be punished by justice and blacklisted from our user list.

We deserve the right to our Team to:

- Blacklist users

- Attack them in justice for Copyright claim

- Block them on any sort of Social Media

- Edit the code of the plugin

- Take action on Social Media

- Add or remove commands and functions

Only OUR team have the permission to perfom these actions .

Note: We are not working in justice, we can just attack you to claim OUR worked .