UUID Finder
This is a plugin I made so you can find the uuid of a name or the name(s) from the uuid.
Recomended to use when wanting to know who has what uuid/name.
NOTE: This is mostly made for developers of a server and for admins.
NOTE2: UUID means User Unique ID that is the id for players added in MC 1.7.5+.
Version 2.0 has been released I've recoded the whole plugin and added some new features
Use /uuid info to get general plugin info.
Use /uuid reload to reload the config.
Use /uuid [name|uuid] check the name for uuid or uuid for name.
/uuid permission: "uuid.find"
/uuid info permission: "uuid.info"
/uuid reload permission: "uuid.reload"
Supports color codes.
The prefix in the messages
Prefix, Default: &8[&aUUIDFinder&8] &f
The message when you don't have access to a command.
NoPermissionMsg, Default: &cYou do not have access to that command.
To do:
Offline player check (Added in v1.2)
Console commands. (Added in v1.4)
Configuration (Added in v1.4)
A way of checking an uuid's previus names from before changing name (Coming in v2.1)
Error in No-Permission Message (Fixed in v1.1).
Error wen not having any args. (Fixed in v1.3).
Source: https://github.com/LeonTG77/UUIDFinder
Comment any suggestions, questions and bugs :).