
**Useful for RPG type servers, in fact it can be useful for any situation, just to make sure users get legit to places before they can cheat there way there**

Now Updated!

We are back from being abandoned, this newer version also takes into account the y coordinate of the warp!

Only one main command as to minimize conflicts!
/uWarp [Option] [args]

Main concept: In uWarp an admin will set a warp, users cannon teleport to this warp till they have unlocked this, they unlock it by entering a specific radius around the warp area (Specified in config)

Commands & Permissions
/uWarp [Warp]unlockwarp.useWarps to warp if it has been unlocked
/uWarp set [Name]unlockwarp.setSets a warp at your current location
/uWarp remove [Name]unlockwarp.removeRemoves the warp with [Name]
/uWarp helpnoneShows the user the help menu
noneunlockwarp.*Gives the user all permissions

I will be constantly updating this will even more features, if you have any ideas please post them down below and i'll see what i can do.
This is my second plugin and i'm desperate for feedback, i need everything i can get.
Enjoy ;)