Woo hoo!
About the Plugin
This mod creates a flat map. In game, you can only create flat, grassy maps. However, through the console, you can create more complex flat maps.
Please note: this is only my first plugin. There will be bugs. Please tell me. This is not amazing. I know.
- /createfg <name> - Creates a flat, grassy map with the name <name>.
- /customflatmap <name> <block1> <height1> <block2> <height2> ... - Creates a custom flat map. Must be run from the console. The first argument is the map name. The subsequent arguments come in pairs of 2: block type, and height. <height> means "until <height>, use <block>"
- /removeflatmap <name> - Removes a flat map. Must be run from the console
Example usage:
- customflatmap testMap 7 1 11 4 0 10 1 45 24 50 12 53 9 68
- This would create a map called testmap with bedrock until 1, lava until 4, air until 10, stone until 45, sandstone until 50, sand until 53, water until 68, and air on up.
- /createfg myMap
- This would create a flat, grassy map called myMap.
- removeFlatmap testMap
- This would attempt to remove a map called testMap
- vacuum.createFlatgrassMap
- vacuum.customFlatMap
- vacuum.removeFlatMap
Known bugs:
- None! That I know of...
Known annoyances:
- World files can't be read in Notepad. (partially to save space, as is the case with the funky characters, and partially because
is better, as in the case of the lack of line breaks: Notepad reads \n\r, while everything else reads \n)
Please post feedback. I need feedback to know what you like/what you don't like so I can fix it.
Todo list:
- Add Multiverse support
- Add plot support