



Scripting on Groovy

Version: 1.0.0


  • execute scripts on Groovy
  • create and run script files
  • autorun files
  • Tab-completion (not full-featured)
  • script can register events and timers. Full access to Bukkit API and other plugins

Get Started

  1. Download VarScript.jar and put it to plugins/ directory
  2. Start server
  3. Wait until VarScript download dependings
  4. use command
    for example:
    /> println "Hello ${worlds*.name}"

Basic commands

/> script...
run script
Example: /> test.groovy
/> filename arg1, arg2, ...
run script file with parameters
/ws list
show all workspaces
/ws set name
set new workspace
/ws stop ?name
stop all triggers in workspace (selected or current)
/ws remove ?name
remove workspace (selected or current)
/ws create name
create new workspace
/ws reload ?name
reload workspace (selected or current)

Script files

You can create script file in directory plugins/VarScript/scripts/ and run it by command
< todo: tutorial >

Static variables

mecurrent command senderPlayer, Block, Entity, Console
serverbukkit serverorg.bukkit.Server
thiscurrent script? extends ru.dpohvar.varscript.workspace.CallerScript
workspacecurrent workspaceru.dpohvar.varscript.workspace.Workspace
globalworkspace serviceru.dpohvar.varscript.workspace.WorkspaceService
%player name%get player by nameorg.bukkit.entity.Player
%plugin name%get plugin by nameorg.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
%world name%get world by nameorg.bukkit.World
%script name%run script file and get result?



VarScript 1.1.2:

  • fixed classloader.
  • fixed auto-import in config
  • fixed Grape config

VarScript 1.0.0:

  • 1.X release

older versionsGithubMaven